Survey Templates Surveys QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [ghthablva

QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [ghthablva

What year of study are you in?
Which department are you in?
What is your fee status?
How much money do you have available to spend each month on books, food, clothing, going out, etc. (but ex. rent, bills (phone, internet, heating, water), tuition fees)?
Where do study most of the time during term?
How many academic books did you buy this year?
How many academic books did you buy last year?
(if you are a first year student, please ignore this question)
When did you buy the books? (multiple answers possible)
Where did you buy the textbooks?
How much do you spend a year on textbooks?
Do you buy the books yourself?
How many books can you reuse in subsequent years?
How many books do you sell on?
How many books did you borrow from the library last year?
How often did you have to wait for books to be recalled?
Do you feel you spend too much money on textbooks?
What in your opinion would be a fair average price for the textbooks (compared to the retail price)?
Do you buy books with friends (i.e. share the books)?

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