Survey Templates Surveys Hands On Atlanta Volunteer Survey

Hands On Atlanta Volunteer Survey

What is your gender?
Please select your age category.
Please indicate your highest level of education:
How did you find out about Hands On Atlanta?
Did you sign-up through Hands On Atlanta for your last volunteer project?

Very Dissatisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
When you arrived at the volunteer project, describe your satisfaction with the project.
How did you hear about the last volunteer opportunity in which you participated?
What is the primary reason you volunteer (please make one selection)?
When you receive The Citizen magazine, do you read it?
If you don't read The Citizen magazine, why not (multiple selections available)?
Do you find The Citizen magazine information useful?
Would you be interested in accessing an on-line version of The Citizen magazine?
What do you like about The Citizen magazine?
What would you change about The Citizen magazine?
Do you currently receive the Hands On Atlanta bi-weekly newsletter?
How often do you read the Hands On Atlanta bi-weekly newsletter?

How valuable do you find the Hands On Atlanta bi-weekly newsletter?

How would change the Hands On Atlanta bi-weekly newsletter?
Have you visited the Hands On Atlanta Web site (
Overall, how would you rate our Web site as a resource for Hands On Atlanta volunteers?
Which Hands On Atlanta Web site features do you use most (make up to three selections)?
When visiting the Hands On Atlanta Web site, did you find the information for which you were looking?
How easy is the Hands On Atlanta Web site ( to navigate?
Once you found an organization, did you sign-up to volunteer from the Hands On Atlanta Web site (
For ease of use, how should the Hands On Atlanta Web site projects be categorized (please make one selection)?
Which items would interest you if added to the Hands On Atlanta Web site (make up to three selections)?
When performing a project search from the Hands On Atlanta Web site, what is your preferred search criteria (please make one selection)?
What changes do you recommend for the Hands On Atlanta Web site?
Have you heard of the following events (multiple selections allowed)?
Have you participated in any of the following events (multiple selections allowed)?
When you have a specific question, concern or issue, do you know who to contact at Hands On Atlanta?

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