Survey Templates Surveys Blogs Survey

Blogs Survey


You are invited to participate in our study of blogs and relationships. In this survey, you will be asked about your general blogging habits and your relationship with your blog readers. It will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw from the survey at any point. However, your participation is very important to the study, and we hope you will complete the survey.

As a token of appreciation for those who participate in the study, we will be giving away US$50 to three lucky respondents by lottery. Emails will be sent to notify the winners and the money will be delivered through PayPal.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Goh Hui Yi at [email protected] or Mindawati Wijaya at [email protected].

Thank you very much for your time and support!

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Next button below.

Important note:

If you have more than one blogs, please think of your main blog when you answer all the questions in this survey.
Is the main language used in your blog English? (i.e. English is used 80% of the time or more)
Is your main blog primarily a:
Is your main blog active (i.e. updated at least once a month)?
Please indicate the degree to which the following statements reflect how you perceive yourself most of the time by marking whether you (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) slightly disagree, (4) are neutral, (5) slightly agree, (6) agree, or (7) strongly agree.
I spend a lot of time talking to other people.
I am a “people” person.
When I have a choice, I try to work in a group instead of by myself.
I prefer to do my own work and let others do theirs.
I try my best to work alone on a work assignment.
Please indicate the degree to which the following statements reflect how you usually communicate with your blog readers most of the time by marking whether you (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) slightly disagree, (4) are neutral, (5) slightly agree, (6) agree, or (7) strongly agree.
I do not often write about myself.
My statements of my feelings are usually brief.
I usually write about myself for fairly long entries in my blog.
My blog entries are the shortest when I am discussing myself.
I often discuss my feelings about myself.
I write about my personal beliefs and opinions only infrequently.
I usually disclose positive things about myself.
On the whole, my disclosure about myself are more negative than positive.
I normally reveal “bad” feelings I have about myself.
I normally express my "good" feelings about myself.

I often reveal more undesirable things about myself than desirable things.
I usually disclose negative things about myself.
On the whole, my disclosure about myself are more positive than negative.
I intimately disclose who I really am, openly and fully in my blog entries.
Once I get started, my self-disclosures get very long.
I often disclose intimate personal things about myself without hesitation.
I feel that I sometimes do not control my self-disclosure or intimate things I tell about myself.
Once I get started, I intimately and fully reveal myself in my self-disclosures.
I cannot reveal myself when I want to because I do not know myself thoroughly enough.
I am not often condifent that my expressions of my own feelings, emotions, and experiences are true reflections of myself.

I always feel completely sincere when I reveal my own feelings and experiences.
My self-disclosures are completely accurate reflections of who I really am.
I am not always honest in my self-disclosures.
My statements about my feelings, emotions, and experiences are always accurate self-perceptions.
I am always honest in my self-disclosures.
I do not always feel completely sincere when I reveal my own feelings, emotions, behaviors or experiences.
I often write about myself.

I often reveal emotions and emotional thoughts.
I often write about my feelings.
I usually write about facts.
I usually write general information about myself.
My blog entry is seldom about my daily activities.

Now, we would like to ask you a few questions about written feedback you may get on your blog.
Have your blog readers ever contacted you via: (Please select all that apply)
Does your blog allow comments?
On average, how many comments or messages do you receive on each blog entry?

On average, how long are the comments or messages that you get from your readers? (number of sentences)
Does your blog have a tagboard?
On average, how many of your readers write in your tagboard each day?

On average, how long are the comments that your readers write on your tagboard? (number of sentences)
Please indicate the degree to which the following statements reflect how your blog readers usually respond to your blog entries most of the time by marking whether you (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) slightly disagree, (4) are neutral, (5) slightly agree, (6) agree, or (7) strongly agree.
My readers often discuss their feelings when responding.
My readers usually disclose positive things about themselves.
My readers often reveal more undesirable things about themselves than desirable things.
My readers often disclose negative things about themselves.
My readers normally express their "good" feelings about themselves.
My readers often disclose intimate personal things about themselves.
My readers intimately and fully reveal themselves in their self-disclosure.

I feel that my readers are completely sincere when they reveal their own feelings, emotions, behaviors or experiences.
I feel that my readers’ disclosure are not completely accurate reflections of who they really are.
I feel that my readers are always honest in their self-disclosure.
My readers often reveal emotions and emotional thoughts.
My readers often write about their feelings.
My readers write about their personal beliefs and opinions only infrequently.
My readers usually write about facts.
My readers usually write general information about themselves.
My readers’ responses are seldom about their daily activities.

This section concerns the relationships you have formed with other people through your blog. Please do not include people who you already knew offline prior to reading your blog.
Have you formed new friends through your blog?
On average, how many friends have you formed through your blog per year?

How many friends have you formed through your blog in total?
Are your online friends:
Is the number of online friends you have _______ the number of offline friends you have?

For the following questions, “they” and “them” refer to people in general that you know through your blog.
Please mark the following statements according to how you feel about the relationships. Indicate the degree to which the following statements reflect the degree of closeness in the relationships by marking whether you (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) slightly disagree, (4) are neutral, (5) slightly agree, (6) agree, or (7) strongly agree.
I feel I could confide in them about almost anything.
I would never tell them anything intimate or personal about myself.
I have told them things about myself that they could not get from any other source.
I usually tell them exactly how I feel.
I try to keep my personal judgments to myself when they write something which I disagree.
I have told them what I like about them.
I feel quite close to them.
Our communication stays on the surface of most topics.
It does not matter to me whether they understand my feelings.

I feel supported and encouraged by them.
I would make a great effort to maintain my relationships with them.
These relationships are very important to me.
I do not expect these relationships to last very long.
I am very committed to maintaining these relationships.

Answer the following question based on the average duration friendships made through your blog last
On average, how long do the friendships that you formed through your blog last? (number of months)

(Please enter "0" if it is less than one month)

This section concerns the romantic relationships you have formed with other people through your blog. The relationship does not have to be carried out offline/in real life.
Have you formed romantic relationships through your blog?
On average, how many romantic relationships have you formed through your blog per year?

How many people have you gotten romantically involved with through your blog in total?
Is the number of your online romantic relationships:
Is the number of online romantic relationships you have ________ the number of offline romantic relationships you have?

For the following questions, “they” and “them” refer to people in general that you get romantically involved with through your blog.
Please mark the following statements according to how you feel about the relationships. Indicate the degree to which the following statements reflect the degree of closeness in the relationships by marking whether you (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) slightly disagree, (4) are neutral, (5) slightly agree, (6) agree, or (7) strongly agree.
I feel I could confide in them about almost anything.
I would never tell them anything intimate or personal about myself.
I have told them things about myself that they could not get from any other source.
I usually tell them exactly how I feel.
I try to keep my personal judgments to myself when they write something which I disagree.
I have told them what I like about them.
I feel quite close to them.
Our communication stays on the surface of most topics.
It does not matter to me whether they understand my feelings.

I feel supported and encouraged by them.
I would make a great effort to maintain my relationships with them.
These relationships are very important to me.
I do not expect these relationships to last very long.
I am very committed to maintaining these relationships.

Answer the following question based on the average duration romantic relationships made through your blog last
On average, how long do the relationships with people that you get romantically involved with through your blog last? (number of months)

(Please enter "0" if it is less than one month)

We have come to the final section. In this section, we would like to know more about you and your blogging habits.
How long have you been writing blogs? (number of months)

(Please enter "0" if it is less than one month)

On average, how often do you write a blog entry? (number of times/week)

On average, how long is each blog entry? (number of paragraphs)

On average, how much time do you spend each week writing new entries in your blog? (number of hours)

(Please enter "0" if it is less than one hour)
Does your blog notify you if there are new comments or messages on your tagboard?
Do you check your blog for new comments or messages on your tagboard voluntarily?
On average, how often do you check your blog for new comments or messages on your tagboard? (number of times/week)

(Please enter "0" if it is less than once)

On average, how much time do you spend each week reading or replying to comments and tagboards on your blog? (number of hours/week)

(Please enter "0" if it is less than one hour)
Primarily, do you use blogging services to: (Please select all that apply)
Besides blogs, what are other online communication tools you are currently using? (Please select all that apply)
Do you read other people’s blogs?
What do you do when you read other people’s blogs? (Please select all that apply)
How often do you read other people's blogs? (number of hours/week)

(Please enter "0" if it is less than one hour)
In general, how comfortable are you in talking to strangers online?
As of 1st January 2007, what is your age?
Are you:
Are you currently:
Please name the country where you reside:

Please enter your email address (for the lucky draw):

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