Survey Templates Surveys Communication Skills

Communication Skills

Communication Skills

In order to provide the best possible training solution, has developed the following questionnaire to evaluate your training needs and communication skills. The first part of the questionnaire looks at Knowledge Management practises in your company, vital in today's networked world to get the best possible outcomes in business negotiations. The second part looks at your, individual, communication skills, to help us develop solution that will further strengthen your strong skills and provide a base to develop your weak skills.

Part 1.)

Does your company:

Collect and share information about best practices
Set up networks for trasnferring information between employees who interact with customers and company managers.
Set up networks for trasnferring information between employees who interact with customers and engineers who create the product.
Create formal procedures to ensure that lessons learned in the course of a project are passed along to others doing similar tasks.
Find formal ways to tie a manager's pay to the bottom-line impact of the information they provide to other managers in the company.
Develop "expert systems" to capture and circulate special skills and knowledge.
Experts say that companies can determine if a "knowledge management" program is good for them depending on how they answer the next five questions. The questions are not complicated, and to save time, we are not expecting perfect answers. Just give us your top-of-mind response.
What kinds of activities in your organization have the biggest impact on the bottom line? Of the activities you mentioned, which one probably has te biggest impact?
What kinds of knowledge, if you had it, would make this activity work more effectively?

Nearly always true
Often true
Sometimes true
Not often true
Rarely true
Never true
I understand how I make decisions
I look for alternate interpretations of the data at my disposal
I am aware of how my interpretations determine my choice of action
I explicitly examine all courses of action that are possible and coherent with my interpretation
In new situations, I identify the factors that make a first impression
I know how this factors influence my behaviour
I am aware of the underlying convictions at the basis of my interpretations
I check how my interpretations of these factors fits with my previous convictions

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