Survey Templates Surveys Organizational structure and design survey

Organizational structure and design survey

Organizational structure and design survey

What is your name?(optional)
Name of the unit/division/department:
Your Age in years:
Educational Qualification:
Total experience (yrs):
No of years in current organization:
Age of the unit/division/department:
Your position in the firm:
Your responsibilities (optional ) :
Free interaction among employees, each respecting others, feelings, competence and sense of judgement.
Facing and not shying away from problems.
Offering moral support and help to employees and colleagues in a crisis.
Congruity between feelings and expressed behaviour (minimum gap between what people say and do).
Preventive action on most matters.
Taking independent action relating to their jobs.
Team work and team spirit.
Trying out innovative ways of solving problems.
Genuine sharing of information, feelings and thoughts in meetings.
Going deeper rather than doing surface-level analysis of interpersonal problems.
Interpersonal contact and support among people.
Tactfulness, smartness and even a little manipulation to get things done.
Seniors encouraging their subordinates to think about their development and take action in that direction.
Close supervision of, and directing employees on, action.
Accepting and appreciating help offered by others.
Encouraging employees to take a fresh look at how things are done.
Free discussion and communication between seniors and subordinates.
Facing challenges inherent in the work situation.
Confiding in seniors without fear that they will misuse the trust.
Owning up to mistakes.
Considering both positive and negative aspects before taking action.
Obeying and checking with seniors rather than acting on your own.
Performing immediate tasks rather than being concerned about large organisational goals.
Making genuine attempts to change behaviour on the basis of feedback.
Effective managers put a lid on their feelings.
Pass the buck tactfully when there is a problem.
Trust begets trust.
Telling a polite lie is preferable to telling the unpleasant truth.
Prevention is better than cure.
Freedom to employees breeds indiscipline.
Usually, emphasis on team work dilutes individual accountability.
Thinking out and doing new things tones up the organization’s vitality.
Free and frank communication between various levels helps in solving problems.
Surfacing problems is not enough; we should find the solutions.
When the chips are down you have to fend for yourself (people cannot rely on others in times of crisis).
People generally are what they appear to be.
A stitch in time saves nine.
A good way to motivate employees is to give them autonomy to plan their work.
Employees' involvement in developing an organization’s mission and goals contributes to productivity.
In today's competitive situations, consolidation and stability are more important than experimentation.

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