Survey Templates Surveys QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [gykvnumtu

QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [gykvnumtu

Website Survey Questions

This survey is for educational purposes.

(Duration: 2-3 minutes)

The goal of this survey: is to see what is needed in order to run a successful website design business

How much would you be willing to pay for a quaility website?
(Most low end sites range from $400-600 Not Including updates or shopping carts and very few flash capabilities)
Do you currently own your a business?
How old are you?
Website design and updating is extremely difficult to do without any html or flash knowledge.
Would you be willing to pay $30 dollars an hour for a design/updating service?
Which would suit you the best?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Flash Website
Html Coded Website (Lower Cost Decent Quality)
Table/Formatted Website (cheapest)
Which do you prefer (Please Select One Answer)?
What sites do you visit most often
If a comptetitor was charging twice or even triple the price for a website. What would make you choose them over me?
Please indicate the percentage of your day that you spend on the following activities.
(validation has been turned off)
Web Surfing
Rank the following in order of preference:
(validation has been turned off)

Conclusion of Survey. Thank You!

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