Survey Templates Surveys CBS Survey

CBS Survey

CBS Survey

Are you currently impressed with CBS programming?
Very Much
Some What
Needs Some Improvement
Needs A lot of Improvement
Rank this in order of which type of programming you would like to see more of.
Performing Artists
Icebreaking Events (BBQ, Game Night, Movie Nights)
Other Events
List one event that you would like to see come to campus.
Where do you think that CBS needs more improvement?
General Body Meetings
Outreach to Students
How impressed with the CBS executive board reaching out to you as a student are you?
Very Impressed
Somewhat Impressed
Not Very Impressed
Not Impressed
What would you like to see the CBS executive board to reach out more to CBS members?
What did you think of the motivatinal speaker Kendall Lee?
What class year are you?
What is your gender?
What is your major?
Where is your hometown?

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