Survey Templates Surveys Non-Core Procurement

Non-Core Procurement

Non-Core Procurement

Dear Finance Professional:

You are invited to participate in the following survey. The research aims to review the perception, by senior managers, of the effectiveness of Non-Core Procurement . The questionnaire is being undertaken as an academic study forming a part of an MBA research project and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

In this survey, financial decision makers of approximately 900 businesses will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about how effectively they believe their organisations are equipped to obtain Best Value from their expenditure on Non-Core goods and services. Exactly what your organisation considers Non-Core will be unique. However, they tend to be non-product related expenditures, including Maintenance, Repairs & Operations; consumable items of all kinds; Insurances; Utilities; Professional Services; Service Contracts; Property Services; Logistics; Office Supplies. This list is not extensive and your business may consider other overheads as “non-core”.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for me to understand your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Barry Lane at 01242 862318 or by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Industry Type
What is your present annual turnover?
How many employees does your organisation have?
How many staff in your organisation are dedicated to procurement?
Do you differentiate between Core & Non-core expenditure?
How do you differentiate between Core & Non-core expenditure?
Procurement is a core competence of my organisation
Procurement strategy is closely tied to Corporate Strategy
The procurement team have key strategic objectives, including:
All buying is undertaken by a dedicated procurement team.
All "Core" product related procurement and other major expenditure
is undertaken by a dedicated procurement team.
All "Non-Core" product related procurement is undertaken by a dedicated procurement team.
Non-core procurement is delegated to the budget holder.
All procurement is delegated to the budget holder.
Any member of staff can make purchases as necessary.

My organisation maintains strong relationships with its core suppliers.
My organisation maintains strong relationships with its non-core suppliers.
How do you measure procurement effectiveness?

How effectively, do you believe that you manage your procurement in relation to your competitors?
What, if anything prevents you improving the effectiveness of your procurement management?
Comparing the prices you pay for goods and services, do you believe that you buy core purchases:
Comparing the prices you pay for goods and services, do you believe that you buy non-core purchases:
Please answer the following questions as they apply to your organisation.
The effectiveness of core products procurement needs improving.
The effectiveness of non-core products procurement needs improving.
Procurement practices rarely changes in my organisation.
We could buy better if we had more knowledge of suppliers markets.
The procurement department is under-funded.
We do not have the time to buy more effectively.
We do not have sufficient resources to meet the procurement needs.
We do not need external buying support.
We have an e-procurement strategy.
We regularly source product via the Internet.
We have an IT infrastructure that enables effective e-procurement.
We are developing infrastructures that enable effective e-procurement.
We outsource some or all of our production/operations.
Options to outsource some or all of our procurement are regularly evaluated.
We develop a clear understanding of the potential Risks/ Benefits before outsourcing.
We outsource some or all of our procurement
My organisation outsources the following activities:

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