Survey Templates Surveys QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [wryofropy

QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [wryofropy

Research on Images of Women in Postwar Japanese Anime

Hello, I am Carol POON, a PhD candidate from the Department of Multi-Cultural Societies in Tohoku University, JAPAN. I am now conducting research on Japanese Animation in Japan. I would appreciate if you would fill the following questionnaire to help me to do this research.

(Duration: 8-10 minutes)

Somethings about Anime
1. Do you like watching Japanese Anime?
2. What kinds of Japanese Anime do you like? (Check as many as you want)
3. Please write down the names of FIVE anime that you like best
4. Do you know the name of any Japanese Animator?
5. Do you think Japanese Anime can show you somethings about gender and women images?
6. Do you think Japanese Anime can teach you something about Japanese culture and society?
7. What do you think about the female images in Japanese Anime?
8. Please list some of your favorite anime female characters, which anime they're from and why it is your favorite?
9 Please list some of your favorite anime male characters, which anime they're from and why it is your favorite?
10. Do you think there is any changes of female images in Anime during the past 50 years?

Somethings about you
Your sex
How old are you?
Education Background
Marital Status

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