Survey Templates Surveys QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [hlnhqdvit

QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [hlnhqdvit

Dear Students,

You are required to complete this short, multiple-choice online questionnaire before you leave campus.


Please enter your name
Please enter your roll no.
Different individuals prefer different teaching methods.

Following is a list of teaching methods. Please rate your preference for each one of them on the 5 point scale. (Even if you have not experienced one/more of the methods, please rate as per your perception)
Audio visual (films/ads) presentation by faculty, and class discussion
Books and handouts
Faculty Lectures
Faculty power point presentations
Role plays
In-class case-analysis facilitated by faculty
Computer based simulations
Field interviews-based assignments
Field observation-based assignment
Group work-based written assignments
Group presentations in class
Live (Industry) project-work
Secondary research-based individual assignments
Effectiveness of different teaching methods is perceived differently by different individuals.

Following is a list of teaching methods. Please rate on a 5 point scale, how effective each is/is likely to be in contributing towards your learning
Audio visual (films/ads) presentation by faculty, and class discussion
Books and handouts
Faculty Lectures
Faculty power point presentations
Role plays
In-class case-analysis facilitated by faculty
Computer based simulations
Field interviews-based assignments
Field observation-based assignment
Group work-based written assignments
Group presentations in class
Live (Industry) project-work
Secondary research-based individual assignments

Following is a list of assessment methods. Please rate on a 5 point scale, the effectiveness of each in assessing your learning
In-class case-analysis facilitated by faculty
Computer based simulations
Field interviews-based assignments
Field observation-based assignment
Group work-based written assignments
Group presentations in class
Live (Industry) project-work
Secondary research-based individual assignments

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