Survey Templates Surveys QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [bhywwgolo

QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [bhywwgolo

Thank you for taking time to participate in this survey!

This survey is being conducted to know what MBA students find important in making decisions about the future jobs.

The purpose of this information is to assist Japanese organizations in developing strategies to attract young and bright talents.

This survey will take 30 minutes to complete
Please respond to all statements and questions on this survey truthfully and completely

If you have questions regarding this survey, please email James Seguerra of the Waseda Business School at [email protected]

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Please rank them by importance with “1” as the most important and "4" as the least important.

Commuting Time
Starting Financial Package
Location of Your Office
Intellectual Challenge
Please rank them by importance with “1” as the most important and "5" as the least important.

Ethical Products and Services
Environmental Commitment
Gender Equality
Relationship with Outsiders
Employee Welfare

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