Survey Templates Surveys Alignment Assessment

Alignment Assessment


Do you agree to take part in this survey?
Title and function:
Please indicate the perspective from which your facilitator has asked you to respond:
After quickly reviewing the Strategic Alignment Maturity Summary (select ?), which level of strategic alignment maturity do you believe best represents your organisation today?
In which of the following groups do your main personal activities fit?
How would you rate the level of IT-Business planning integration in your organisation?
What is the average planning horizon in your organisation? 3 years, 5 years, etc.
At what organisational level does your decision making have a direct impact?

For the purpose of this questionnaire please consider four organisational levels of management.

To what extent does IT understand the organisation’s business environment (e.g., its customers, competitors, processes, partners/alliances):
To what extent do the business organisations understand the IT environment (e.g., its current and potential capabilities, systems, services, processes):
The following statements pertain to methods (e.g., intranets, bulletin boards, education, meetings, e-mail) in place to promote organisational education/learning (e.g., of experiences, problems, objectives, critical success factors). Organisational learning occurs primarily through:
The following statements pertain to the extent in which there is knowledge sharing (intellectual understanding and appreciation of the problems/opportunities, tasks, roles, objectives, priorities, goals, direction, etc.) between IT and business:
The following statements pertain to the metrics and processes used to measure IT’s contribution to the business.
The following statements pertain to the use of business metrics to measure contribution to the business.
The following statements pertain to the use of integrated IT and business metrics to measure IT’s contribution to the business.
The following statements pertain to the extent of assessment and review of IT investments.
The following statements pertain to the extent to which IT-business continuous improvement practices (e.g., quality circles, quality reviews) and effectiveness measures are in place.
The following statements pertain to the organisation structure of the IT function. Our IT function is:
The CIO reports to the:
The following statements pertain to IT budgeting. Our IT function is budgeted as a:
The following statements pertain to IT investment decisions. Our IT investment decisions are primarily based on IT’s ability to:
The following statements pertain to how IT projects are prioritized. Our IT project prioritization process is usually:
IT is perceived by the business as:
The following statements pertain to the sharing (by IT and business management) of the risks and rewards (e.g., bonuses) associated with IT-based initiatives (i.e., a project is late and over budget because of business requirement changes).
The following statements pertain to IT and business relationship and trust.
The following statements pertain to IT projects sponsors/champions. Our IT-based initiatives:
The following statements pertain to the articulation of and compliance with IT standards. Our IT standards are:
The following statements pertain to the scope of architectural integration. The components of our IT infrastructure are:
The following statements pertain to the level of disruption caused by business and IT changes (e.g., implementation of a new technology, business process, merger/acquisition). Most of the time, a business or IT change is:
The following statements pertain to the extent the organisation fosters an innovative entrepreneurial environment. Entrepreneurship is:
The following statements pertain to the cultural locus of power in making IT-based decisions. Our important IT decisions are made by:
The following statements pertain to your organisation’s readiness for change.
The following statements pertain to the IT organisation’s ability to attract and retain the best business and technical professionals.
The following statements pertain to strategic IT planning. The IT projects are a result of:
The following statements pertain to methods (e.g., intranets, bulletin boards, education, meetings, e-mail) in place to promote the IT projects information such as objectives, benefits, plans, etc.
The following statements pertain to the extent of assessment and review of the IT projects to ensure they are fully in line with the strategies they support.
The following statements pertain to formally managing the IT/business relationship. For IT projects to what extent are there formal processes in place that focus on enhancing the partnership relationships that exist between IT and business (e.g., cross-functional teams, training, risk/reward sharing):
The contribution of the IT projects to the accomplishment of the organisation’s strategic goals is:


Please indicate to what extent the following items enable IT-business alignment in your organisation. Check one box only for each item.
Not Enabling
Greatly Enabling
Senior executive support for IT
IT involved in business strategy development
IT demonstrates strong leadership
IT understands the firm’s business environment
Close partnership between IT and business
IT efforts are well prioritized
Good IT/business communication
Goals and vision are defined
IT and the business have close relationship
IT resources shared
Not Enabling
Greatly Enabling
IT meets commitments
IT achieves its strategic goals
IT applied for competitive advantage
IT plans linked to business plan
Please indicate to what extent the following items inhibit IT-business alignment in your organisation. Check one box for each item.

Not Inhibiting
Greatly Inhibiting
IT does not understand the firm’s business environment
IT fails to meet its commitments
IT and the business lack close partnership
IT efforts are not well prioritized
Senior executives do not support IT
IT management lacks leadership
IT and business plans are not linked
Antiquated IT infrastructure
Resistance from senior executives
Budget and staffing problems
Not Inhibiting
Greatly Inhibiting
IT does not communicate well with the business
IT fails to meet strategic goals
Goals/vision are vague

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