Survey Templates Surveys IS Monitoring

IS Monitoring


You are invited to participate in a study of
workplace Internet use monitoring being conducted by Dr. Alice Liao from the
Department of Business Administration, School of Business at The University of
Texas at Brownsville. You are one of the 300 subjects as Internet user proxy to
understand the workplace internet use monitoring and behavior intention change.
The results of the study will help companies improve Internet policies and
strategies related to Internet use.

The survey is anonymous. There are no reasonably
foreseeable risks or discomforts that might occur as a result of your
participation in the study. All answers you provide related to this study will
be kept confidential. All data collected from individual participants will be
destroyed after it has been statistically analyzed and the research purposes
have been completed.  Your participation in this study is voluntary. Your
refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which you
are otherwise entitled. You may refuse to answer any specific question. You may
withdraw from participating in this study at any time without penalty or loss of

Please understand that there are no right or wrong
answers; we are only interested in your perception and opinions. Please indicate
your response by filling in the appropriate response or by checking the
corresponding number that best represents your response. This questionnaire
should take you approximately 10 minutes to complete.  Your continuation with
the survey indicates that, having read and understood the information provided
above, you have decided to participate. Should you have any questions about this
study, please contact: Dr. Alice Liao or Chairman of the UTB IRB-Human Subjects
or the Office of Sponsored Programs.

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your
answers are important for the study. Please be candid and cooperative.

Dr. Alice Liao

The University of Texas at Brownsville

[email protected]

for This Survey


Internet monitoring:
is to use software or other technologies (cookies, key loggers, screen
monitoring etc) to keep track of user internet access and usage for regulated
applications or prohibited operations.


Internet misuse:
refers to use of Internet not in compliance with company Internet use policy and
for non-work related operations during work time.


Internet use policy:
Procedures and rules stipulated by companies to regulate internet use at work
place including but not limited to software installation, file downloading,
privacy and security, piracy, fair use etc.  


In the survey you are to
complete, we ask questions that make use of rating scales with 5 places. Please
pick a number which represents your internet use monitoring experience.


Please click "Next" below to start
this survey.

Workplace Internet use monitoring is
If I were caught committing Internet misuse, I think the punishment would be
If I were caught committing Internet misuse, I would be severely punished
If I committed Internet misuse, the probability I would be caught is
If I committed Internet misuse, I would probably be caught
To me, committing Internet misuse is
If I committed Internet misuse, most of the people who are important to me would
Most people who are important to me would look down on me if I committed Internet misuse
No one who is important to me thinks it is okay to commit Internet misuse
If I want, I can avoid committing Internet misuse
Technically, for me to avoid committing Internet misuse is
I may avoid committing Internet misuse in the future
If I had the opportunity, I would avoid committing Internet misuse
I would never commit Internet misuse
What is your gender?
Experience of internet use?
Do you have Internet access at home?
Do you have Internet access in your office?
Which computer you use most often for internet?
What is your ethnicity?
Are you aware of any Internet use policy in your company?
Does your company monitor employee internet use at work?
Do you know any employee being disciplined due to violation of internet use policy at work?

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