Survey Templates Surveys Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Records


Part I: Physician Background
Zip code
Year of graduation from medical school
Year you joined current practice
Number of physicians at current practice
Estimated number of outpatients per week
Are you a member of Physician Alliance for Quality at The Methodist Hospital?
Physician specialty
Do you use the internet on a daily basis?
If yes, which functions do you use? (check all that apply)
Have you had prior experience with EHR systems?
If yes, where? (check all that apply)
Do you currently utilize in-hospital Electronic Health Records (EHRs)?
Do you currently utilize in-office Electronic Health Records (EHRs)?
If yes, what EHR software vendor do you use?
If yes, how often do you utilize your EHR to complete patient care tasks?
If no, do you plan on implementing an EHR system in the near future (within the two years)?

Part II: Perceived/experienced effect of EHR systems

Please select the corresponding column addressing the following effects of EHRs.

Extremely positive
Somewhat positive
No opinion
Somewhat negative
Extremely negative
Quality of care
Workflow efficiency
Office visit efficiency: increased patient capacity
Access to patient information
Patient/physician communication
Control of health care costs
Medical record storage and retrieval costs
Medical transcription costs
Documentation of services for billing
Patient information privacy
Extremely positive
Somewhat positive
No opinion
Somewhat negative
Extremely negative
Reliance on computer hardware
Reliability of computer software
Physician workload
Long term technical support costs

If your practice does not currently utilize Electronic Health Records, please skip Part III and proceed to Part IV. Thank you.

Part III: Current use of EHR functions

Please rank how often you use EHRs to accomplish the following tasks.

EHR lacks the capability
Clinical notes
Patient demographics
Patient portal: patient access to personal records, doctors' reminders, and electronic lab results
Secure intraoffice messaging
Secure external healthcare messaging
Medication lists
Drug allergy alerts
Drug interaction alerts
Electronic prescribing
Laboratory test order entry
EHR lacks the capability
Laboratory test results
Imaging test order entry
Imaging test results
Document services for billing
Reportable diseases/public health

Part IV: Desired capabilities

Please select the functions you would find most useful in an EHR.

Most Useful
Extremely Useful
Moderately Useful
Not Useful
Clinical notes
Patient demographics
Patient portal: patient access to personal records, doctors' reminders, and electronic lab results
Secure intraoffice messaging
Secure external healthcare messaging
Medication lists
Drug allergy/interaction alerts
Electronic prescribing
Laboratory test order entry
Laboratory test results
Most Useful
Extremely Useful
Moderately Useful
Not Useful
Imaging test ordering
Imaging test result
Document services for billing
Decision support
Reportable disease/public health

Part V: Barriers to Implementation

Please check the corresponding column regarding the significance of barriers to EHR adoption.

Extreme concern
Strong concern
Some concern
Very mild concern
No concern
Initial implementation costs
Initial reduction in workflow efficiency
Ongoing maintenance and technical support costs
Uncertain return on investment
Reliance on computer hardware
Reliability of computer software
EHR vendor selection and reliability
Lack of industry-wide data standards
Interface between EHR and practice management system
Time required to enter data
Extreme concern
Strong concern
Some concern
Very mild concern
No concern
Ease of data entry
Patient privacy

Part VI: Effect of potential policy changes

How would the following affect your (physician) use of EHR technology?

Very large arge effect
Large effect
Moderate effect
Little effect
No effect
No Opinion
Standardized EHR interface
Increased funding through quality improvement incentives
Reimbursement for web-based office visits or patient consultation
Improved privacy assurance
Increased technology training
Capability for data exchange between hospitals and ambulatory care sites
Increased functions
Any additional comments?

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