Survey Templates Surveys Survey on Competitive Intelligence

Survey on Competitive Intelligence


You are invited to participate in my PhD pilot survey. In this pilot survey, approximately 20 people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about competitive intelligence practices in your organization. Competitive intelligence is defined as both a product and a process. As a product, competitive intelligence is the actionable information for strategic decision making and identification of opportunities and threats. As a process, competitive intelligence involves the phases of information acquisition, analysis, dissemination and use in supporting strategies formation and implementation. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for me to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be stricly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential.

Thank you very much for your time and support. You may start the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

How important to your organization are trends and events of each environmental sector?

Not important
Fairly unimportant
Of some important
Fairly important
Very important
Customer sector
Competitor sector
Supplier sector
Technological sector
Regulatory sector
Economic sector
Socio-cultural sector
Human resources sector
Global sector
Organizational sector
What is the rate of change taking place in each environmental sector?
Fairly low
Fairly high
Very high
Customer sector
Competitor sector
Supplier sector
Technological sector
Regulatory sector
Economic sector
Socio-cultural sector
Human resources sector
Global sector
Organizational sector
What is the level of complexity of each environmental sector?
Fairly low
Fairly high
Very high
Customer sector
Competitor sector
Supplier sector
Technological sector
Regulatory sector
Economic sector
Socio-cultural sector
Human resources sector
Global sector
Organizational sector
How important to your organization in acquiring Competitive Intelligence from each environmental sector?
Not important
Fairly unimportant
Of some important
Fairly important
Very important
Customer sector
Competitor sector
Supplier sector
Technological sector
Regulatory sector
Economic sector
Socio-cultural sector
Human resources sector
Global sector
Organizational sector
How frequently do you acquire CI about each environmental sector?

Few times a year
Less than once a year
Customer sector
Competitor sector
Supplier sector
Technological sector
Regulatory sector
Economic sector
Socio-cultural sector
Human resources sector
Global sector
Organizational sector
How frequently do you use the following sources to acquire Competitive Intelligence?
Very great deal
Great deal
Very little
Business associates
Government officials
Newspapers, periodicals
Government publications
Broadcast media the Internet & extranets
Industry, trade associations
Conference, seminar, trade show, business trip
Superior, board members
Very great deal
Great deal
Very little
Subordinate managers
Subordinate staff
Internal memo, circulars
Internal reports
Company library
Electronic information services / intranets
How important to your organization is the use of Competitive Intelligence for the following purpose/role?
Not important
Fairly unimportant
Of some important
Fairly important
Very important
Supporting strategic decision making
Identifying early warning for threats
Identifying blind spots and opportunities
Performing industrial benchmarking
Supporting strategic planning and implementation
Supporting competitor assessment and tracking
Performing counterintelligence
How important to your organization are the following strategic decisions?
Not important
Fairly unimportant
Of some important
Fairly important
Very important
Merger & acquisition
Strategic alliance
Market entry/exit
Vertical integration
Capacity expansion
New product/service development
Technology adoption
Not important
Fairly unimportant
Of some important
Fairly important
Very important
How frequently do you use Competitive Intelligence in the following strategic decision making activities?
Merger & acquisition
Strategic alliance
Market entry/exit
Vertical integration
Capacity expansion
New product/service development
Technology adoption
How frequently do you use Competitive Intelligence from each source in your strategic decision making activities?
Business associates
Government officials
Newspapers, periodicals
Government publications
Broadcast media the Internet & extranets
Industry, trade associations
Conference, seminar, trade show, business trip
Superior, board members
Subordinate managers
Subordinate staff
Internal memo, circulars
Internal reports
Company library
Electronic information services / intranets
In comparison to our competitors, the products which we provide to our customers are best described as:
In contrast to our competitors, we have an image in the marketplace that:
The amount of time our organization spends on monitoring changes and trends in the marketplace can best be described as:
In comparison to our competitors, the increases or losses in demand that we have experienced are due most probably to:
One of the most important goals in our organization in comparison to our competitors is our dedication and commitment to:
In contrast to our competitors, the competencies (skills) which our managerial employees possess can best be characterized as:
The one thing that protects us from its competitors is that we:
More so than many of our competitors, our management staff in our organization tends to concentrate on:
In contrast to many of our competitors, our organization prepares for the future by:
In comparison to our competitors, our organization structure is:
Unlike our competitors, the procedures we use to evaluate performance are best described as:
How important to your organization are the following performance measures?
Not important
Fairly unimportant
Of some important
Fairly important
Very important
Return on asset
Operating profit
Revenue growth
Profit growth
Market share
Increase in market share
Organizational learning
Overall performance
How do you rate your organizational performance in relative to your major competitors over the last three years?
Among the worst
Bottom half
Top half
Among the best
Return on asset
Operating profit
Revenue growth
Profit growth
Market share
Increase in market share
Organizational learning
Overall performance
What is your position in the organization?
What is your highest education qualification?
Which industry best describe your main business?
What is the total number of employee in your organization?
Where is the location of the formal Competitive Intelligence unit in your organization?
How long has the Competitive Intelligence unit been established in your organization?
How many full time staff is assigned to the Competitive Intelligence unit?
What type of Competitive Intelligence practices is taken place in your organization?
Comments / Suggestions for improvement?

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