Survey Templates Surveys Educational Technology and Natural Family Planning

Educational Technology and Natural Family Planning

Hello, this survey is part of a study to describe and analyze how educational technology is used to promote natural family planning methods. The survey is completely anonymous and confidential. We ask that you answer with honesty so that we can achieve trustworthy results. Thanks for your time and participation.
Nationality: (If other, please specify)
Highest level of education completed: (If other, please specify)
Marital status:
Religious beliefs: (If other, please specify)
How regularly do you use the Internet to get information about news and other topics of interest?
How regularly do you take part in blogs or Internet forums about certain topics of interest?
How regularly do you ask questions about birth control and family planning methods to your family and friends?
Have you used information from the Internet to make up your mind about which birth control methods to use?
What birth control or family planning method do you regularly use? (Check all that apply)
Do you know what natural family planning methods are?
Where have you read or heard about natural family planning methods? (Check all that apply)
Do you believe that natural family planning methods can work effectively to avoid pregnancy?
Do you know someone who is currently using a natural family planning method with success to avoid pregnancy?
Has your doctor or gynecologist ever mentioned natural family planning methods as a birth control option?
Would you be interested in knowing more about natural family planning methods which are effective (if used correctly) and don´t have side effects?
Would you be willing to spend a few hours of your time getting to know your fertility cycle and the correct use of natural family planning methods?
Have you found trustworthy data about the effective use of natural family planning methods on the Internet?
Have you received support from any institutions or organizations to learn more about natural family planning methods? If your answer is "Yes", please specify the name of the organization.
Would you be interested in taking part in a free online course about natural family planning?

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