Survey Templates Surveys Role of Architectural Graduates

Role of Architectural Graduates


Are you an employer or a graduate?

How many people are currently employed in your office?
How many of these employees are architectural graduates?
How many of these employees have graduated within the past 3 years?
How many have been architectural graduates for 3 years or less?
How would you see the value of architectural graduates in your office?
Please rank from 1 to 6 the most effective way of encouraging your graduates to be part of the process (1- most effective, 6-least effective)
Involvement in Pre-design services
Participation during the conceptual stage
Working on developed design
Encouraging graduates to do detailed design and documentation
By doing procurement
By administering contract works
Does your company employ any individuals who were registered in a different country but who are now working as graduates so that they can register in New Zealand?
How many of these individuals are registered in a different country but who are now working as graduates so that they can be registered in New Zealand?
Do you agree that graduates are adequately prepared for work in a firm by their education?
Please rank from 1-7 the role you most ask your graduates to be involved in (1-highest - 7 lowest)
Pre-design services
Conceptual design
Preliminary design
Developed design
Detailed design and Documentation
Administration of Contract Works
Please select the areas of architecture you think your graduates are most competent in?
Overall, rate your experience working with graduates whom you work with on a daily basis?
What is your age?
What is your gender?
What is the size of practice/ company you are currently working for?
Rate how much of your time at work is spent on the following by percentage
Conceptual design
Preliminary design
Developed design
Detailed design and documentation
Administration of contract works
How long have you been employed as a graduate?
How many hours do you work in a week?
What leadership qualities does your manager demonstrate?
Please select one category that best describes your primary field of work and/or the firm where you work
Do you think this field of work will help you in terms of your own career development as an architect?
Overall, rate your experience working with your manager whom you work with on a daily basis

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