Survey Templates Surveys Organizational Culture and Structure

Organizational Culture and Structure

Organizational Culture

Please enter the name of the department that you will be describing
Most employees strongly believe in what they are doing
Decisions are usually made at the level where the best information is available.
Information is widely shared so that everyone can get the information he or she needs when it's needed.
Everyone believes that he or she can have a positive impact.
Business planning is ongoing and involves everyone in the process to some degree.
Cooperation across different parts of the organization is actively encouraged.
People in this department feel like they are part of a team.
Teams are our primary building blocks.
Work is organized so that each person can see the relationship between his or her job and the goals of the organization.
Authority is delegated so that people can act on their own.
There is continuous investment in the skills of employees.
The capabilities of people are viewed as an important part of achieving your department's goals
The leaders and managers "practice what they preach."
My manager(s) have clear and consistent expectations
There is a clear and consistent set of values that governs the way we do business.
Ignoring core values will get you in trouble.
When disagreements occur, we work hard to achieve "win-win" solutions.
There is a "strong" culture.
We often have trouble reaching agreement on key issues.
There is a clear agreement about the right way and the wrong way to do things.
Our approach to doing business is very consistent and predictable.
People from different parts of the organization share a common perspective.
Working with someone from another part of the department is like working with someone from a different organization.
There is good alignment of goals across the department.
The way things are done is very flexible and easy to change.
We respond well to challenges
Attempts to create change usually meet with resistance.
Different parts of the organization often cooperate to create change.
Public/clients' comments and recommendations often lead to changes.
All members of the department have a good understanding of the public/clients' wants and needs.
The interests of our clients often get ignored in our decisions.
We encourage employees to have direct contact with the public/clients
We view failure as an opportunity for learning and improvement.
Innovation and risk taking are encouraged and rewarded.
Learning is an important objective in our day-to-day work.
There is a long-term purpose and direction.
Our strategy leads other organizations to change the way they operate in the industry.
There is a clear mission that gives meaning and direction to our work.
Our strategic direction is unclear to me.
There is widespread agreement about goals.
Leaders set goals that are ambitious, but realistic.
We continuously track our progress against our stated goals.
Leaders have a long-term viewpoint.
Short-term thinking often compromises our long-term vision.
Quality of Services provided
Level of Innovation
Employee Satisfaction
Overall Department Performance
What is your level of responsibility?
How many years have you been with the Department?
Please describe the culture of the department in 3-5 sentences.
What do you feel are the 4 most striking features of the structure of the department?
Please enter any information that you feel may be relevant to this survey and research topic.

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