Survey Templates Surveys New Kitchenware

New Kitchenware

New Kitchenware

You are invited to participate in a survey on a new product concept, Kitchen in a Box. It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and confidential. There are no hidden risks or obligations for you whatsoever. Neither will we ask for your identification nor will we release any data from this research to any third parties with the exception that the survey result will be reported in the aggregate for academic purposes.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Your inputs will be invaluable in the refining of the new product concept.

This is an indicative picture of the final product.

If you would like to have anything be added to or dropped from Kitchen in a Box, what would it(them) be?
How would you best describe your familiarity with a product like the Kitchen in a Box described above?
What, if anything, do you particularly like about Kitchen in a Box?
What, if anything, do you particularly not like about Kitchen in a Box?
Do you feel Kitchen in the Box will help you solve a problem that you experienced or anticipate?
If you answer likely or very likely to the previous question, please describe in what circustances you will find this product helpful?
1) Kitchen-in-a-Box is made of kitchenware products of premium brands such as Baker's Secret, Chicago Cutlery, Corningware, OXO, etc;
2) the set is available in hyper markets like WalMart and Target.

What do you estimate will be its fair retail price?
How likely are you going to purchase Kitchen in a Box, if it is conveniently available to you at an acceptable price?
How likely do you think you will buy Kitchen in a Box for your own use or others, or you wish to receive a product like this, in the next 12 months?
Who would you most likely to buy this product for?
Where do you prefer to buy this product?
What is your gender?
What is your age range?
What is your marital status?
What is your occupation? (if you are a student, please specify what year are you in your school)
what is your average household monthly income?
How do you usually have your meal?
How frequently do you or your family cook at home per week?
Thank you for your feedback. We sincerely appreciate your honest opinion and will take your input into consideration while developing our new product.

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