Survey Templates Surveys QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [atermnxfo

QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [atermnxfo

Imperial College London Electrical and Electronic Engineering students welcome you to take part in our survey about energy management.

1. How old are you?
2. Sex
3. Education
4. Number of people in your household:

It is estimated that energy prices will vary on an hourly basis, within a few years.
We are developping an electronic device which will control the operation and energy consumption of appliances according to current electricity prices
This can help you save up to 25% on your electricity bill.

Considering this information, please answer the following questions:

5. Which design do you find most practical (considering they all perform the same task)?
6. Would you be prepared to pay about £150 for it knowing that you could save up to 25% on your electricity bill?
7. Knowing the additional cost associated to each design, which one would you choose?
8. Would you like to be able to control your house appliances via SMS? For example switching the heater on and off while not being at home.

9. Where would you most likely shop for such an electronic device?

Thank you!

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