Survey Templates Surveys Starbucks healthy drinks

Starbucks healthy drinks

Starbucks healthy drinks


You are invited to participate in our survey on beverage consumption. Approximately 100 people will be asked to complete this survey which will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Your participation is completely voluntary and your opinions are highly valuable. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

1.Do you drink any of the following beverages?
2.Please rank from 1-5 the following beverages in order of preference with 1 being the most preferred and 5 being least preferred.
Natural Juice
Energy Beverages
How important is environmentally friendly packaging in motivating your beverage purchase decisions?
How important is consistent product quality in motivating your beverage purchase decisions?
How important are natural ingredients in motivating your beverage purchase decisions?
How important is the taste of fresh fruit in motivating your beverage purchase decisions?
How important is a well known brand name in motivating your beverage purchase decisions?
8.Have you ever been in a Starbucks?
9.If Starbucks introduced a natural fruits beverage, how likely are you to purchase and try it?
10.Please complete the following sentence "I don't......
11.What ingredients should be included in a fruit beverage sold at Starbucks?
Which of the following would you like to have in your customized natural fruit beverge?
What would be appropriate price range for a 12oz natural fruits beverage that could be customized to fit your taste?
What is a reasonable amount of time for you to wait for a custom-made beverage(ie. Coffee or Frapucchino) at Starbucks?
How satisfied are you with the customer service at your local Starbucks?
16.If Starbucks added a new health line, which of the below do you think would change?
(Please keep in mind the current process you go through to order a Starbucks beverage)
Do you perceive Starbucks to be a social "hangout" spot to meet friends or co-workers?
How diverse is the food selection at the Starbucks you normally visit?
Please choose the categories which best describe the types of magazines you normally read?("Normally" means 6 issues a year)
Which of the following TV programs do you watch?
Based on the information shared above, please choose the carrier that airs the majority of your favorite programs?
Are you a:
Which of the following best describes your age?
What state do you live in?
Which of the following best describes the highest level of education completed?
What is your annual household income?
What is your marital status?
Background information
How many children do you have?

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