Survey Templates Surveys Male Weekly Survey 13

Male Weekly Survey 13

Male Weekly Survey

You have opened up a weekly follow up survey for MEN participating in the Human Sexuality Research Participation project. You can earn 6 points of course credit for completing this survey, but ONLY if you have taken the hourlong pretest survey at least one week previous to now. If you have not yet taken the survey or if you are a WOMAN, close this survey and go to the Blackboard course site for instructions on accessing the survey you need.

In the next panel you will be given a chance to read the study information that you saw when you took the pretest. The study information describes the semester-long research project you are involved in. If you do not want to read about the study again and just want to give your consent and proceed directly to the questions, you will have that choice.

Thank you very much for participating again!

Please proceed to the consent question by clicking on the Continue button below.

Please choose one of the option below.
At this time you can choose to participate or close the survey.
Enter your first and last name with a space in between
Enter your pawprint
Enter your student number
Please rate your agreement with the following statements, bearing in mind your feelings during the last few days
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I took on and mastered hard challenges.
My choices expressed my “true self.”
I felt a strong sense of intimacy with the people I spent time with.
I struggled doing something I should be good at.
I was really doing what interests me.
My health was excellent.
I felt attractive this week.
I had a stressful week.
I was lonelier than I'd like to be.
I was successfully completing difficult tasks and projects.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I had a lot of pressures I could do without.
I felt ill or have been sick.
I had disagreements or conflicts with people I usually get along with.
I did well even at the hard things.
I felt close and connected with other people who are important to me.
I had to do things against my will.
I felt unappreciated by one or more important people.
I looked good this week.
I was free to do things my own way.
I took care of myself this week.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I felt a sense of contact with people who care for me, and whom I care for.
There were people telling me what I had to do.
I experienced some kind of failure, or was unable to do well at something.
I had a great week.
I did something stupid, that made me feel incompetent.
I felt good this week.

In this next section we ask about your exposure to sexually explicit materials in the last week.
Select the item that best describes how much exposure you have had this week to erotic media.
In the list below, check each kind of image that you saw in the last week. Include any images you saw in books or magazines, films, or online.
On average, in minutes, how much time do you spend each day exposed to any of these images? Enter in minutes – so if you typically do not see any of these images, enter 0; if you watch them for an hour or so most days, enter 60. If you watch on some days but not others, how much on average?
Internet (photos, still images)
Internet (videos)
Television (e.g. playboy channel)
Video or DVD on home system
Printed images, magazines, etc
Films in adult entertainment stores
Internet (photos, still images)
Internet (videos)
Television (e.g. playboy channel)
Video or DVD on home system
Printed images, magazines, etc
Films in adult entertainment stores
Select the item that best describes how much exposure you have had this week to erotic media.
Select the item that best describes how much exposure you have had this week to erotic media.
Select the item that best describes how much exposure you have had this week to erotic media.
Select the item that best describes how much exposure you have had this week to erotic media.
What best describes your current romantic relationship status? Pick the highest number that applies
Which of these best describes your romantic situation?
I am involved in my relationship….
What is the gender of your romantic partner?
How much contact did you have with your romantic partner in the last week? If you spent any time together with your partner, or really talking on the phone or online, count it as contact. You had contact with your partner...
How much total time did you spend with your romantic partner in the last week? Estimate in hours the total time all week that you spent in each other’s company (including sleeping in the same bed, or sitting together in a class).
How do you feel about the relationship you have with romantic partner?
Who is currently more invested in your romantic relationship?
Thinking back over the last day or so, rate how much you agree with these statements about your romantic relationship, your partner, and yourself.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
My partner was more distant than usual.
My partner kind of stalked me.
I had negative feelings about my partner.
I sensed that my partner wanted to be with someone else.
My partner was more thoughtful than usual.
My partner ignored me.
I felt jealous.
I was proud of my partner.
My partner felt ill or has been sick.
I was satisfied with our relationship.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
My partner looked worse than usual.
My partner had negative feelings toward me.
I felt accepted by my partner
My partner was thoughtless to me.
My partner had a stressful week.
I had negative feelings about my relationship.
My partner was not satisfied with me.
I had conflicted feelings about my partner.
My partner looked better than usual.
I had conflict with my partner.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
My partner connected with me.
My partner was generous to me.
My partner was not satisfied with our relationship.
I felt physically attracted to my partner.
I felt close to my partner
I sensed that my partner was attracted to someone else.
I felt loved by my partner
I felt love for my partner
My partner was mean to me.
My partner had negative feelings about our relationship.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
My partner was jealous.
My partner spoiled me.
My partner was clingy.
I fought with my partner.
I had positive feelings about my relationship.
I was satisfied with my partner.
I felt close to my partner
My partner looked very attractive to me.
My partner was nicer than usual.
I had conflicted feelings about my relationship.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I had positive feelings about my partner.

Did you see your partner...?
2 days ago
3 days ago
4 days ago
5 days ago
6 days ago
one week ago

Now, thinking back over the previous week, was there any time that you felt you were “betraying” your romantic partner with someone else? In this case, “betraying” your partner might be anything from spending time with someone you know your partner doesn’t want you to be with ranging to a more serious betrayal like having a sexual experience with someone other than your romantic partner. Don’t count things you may have done that were not romantic betrayals, like for instance saying something disloyal about your partner, unless you said those things to someone you were romantically interested in. For each day in the last week, indicate whether you were disloyal to your partner with someone else.

To what extent did you betray or act disloyal to your partner...?
2 days ago
3 days ago
4 days ago
5 days ago
6 days ago
7 days ago

This next set of questions asked about your partner's interest in someone other than you. Thinking back over the last week, how much did your partner... If you are not sure, make your best quess.
feel attracted to somebody other than you?
feel emotionally close to somebody other than you?
want to have sex with somebody other than you?
feel intimate with somebody other than you?
have a romantic experience with somebody other than you?
think somebody other than you was sexy?
feel romantic toward somebody other than you?

Below are a list of feelings you might have had in the last week. For this list, think about whether or not your partner felt physical attraction to somebody other than you in the last week. In other words, think back on your feelings whenever (or if) your partner thought somebody other than you was sexy, hot, attractive, or physically appealing. Rate how much of each of the feelings below you felt in the last week because of your partner's physical attraction to somebody other than you. If you never once all week felt that your partner thought someone else was sexy, then skip these items and go to the next question.
a little

For this same list of feelings below, think about whether or not your partner felt emotionally or romantically attracted to somebody other than you in the last week. In other words, think back on your feelings whenever (or if) your partner felt warm, loving, close, or romantically connected to somebody other than you. Rate how much of each of the feelings below you felt in the last week because of your partner's emotional attraction to somebody other than you. If you never once all week thought that your partner felt emotionally close to someone else, then skip these items and go to the next question.
a little
To the best of your knowledge, how many days ago did your partner's period start? Enter the number of days.
To the best of your knowledge, on what weekday did your partner's period start (Monday, Tuesday, etc)?
How many times, if any, did you have a self-sexual experience (you masturbated or had a sexual experience without a partner) between now and when you completed the survey last week?
Check each day of the week that masturbated or had self-sex in the last week.

How many times, if any, did you have a sex (intercourse) between now and when you completed the survey last week?
With how many different partners did you have a sexual experience in the last week?
Check each day of the week that you had a sexual experience in the last week.
How many days ago did you have sex?
Was the person you most recently had sex with your current romantic partner?
What was the gender of your most recent sex partner?
Did you feel that you were cheating on someone else when you had this sexual experience?
What was your relationship to your sex partner at that time you had sex last?
Did having sex that time change your relationship with your sex partner?
How much contact did you have with your most recent sex partner in the last week, other than the occasion when you had sex?
How much total time did you spend with your most recent sex partner in the last week, other than the occasion when you had sex? Estimate in hours the time you spent in each other’s company, including sleeping in the same bed
How do you feel about the relationship you have with your last sex partner?
Who initiated the sexual experience?
Whose idea was it to have sex?
Please rate each statement about that last (most recent) time you had sex.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I was turned on by my partner
My partner satisfied me emotionally
I had sex because I wanted to feel better
My partner was affectionate to me
I had sex to satisfy my partner
I really enjoyed sex that time
I had sex so my partner wouldn’t be mad
I really wanted to have sex that time
I had sex to satisfy my sexual needs
My partner was sexually considerate
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I had sex so I would be less unhappy
I had sex to feel close to my partner
My partner seemed very attractive
I planned to have sex that time
I had sex to feel in control
I had sex to express love for my partner
I had sex to dominate my partner
We decided to have sex before we started
My partner satisfied me sexually
I had sex because I was horny
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
My partner was really hot

For each sexual behavior below, indicate whether or not it occurred and how long you spent actually doing the behavior
Kissing mouth to mouth
Other kissing, licking, sucking (not genitals)
Heavy petting (touching breasts or genitals)
Partners mouth on your genitals
Your mouth on partners genitals
Intercourse (penis in vagina)
Penis in anus (butt)

Now tell us if you felt you spent about the right amount of time spent on that activity.
Was the time spent right for you?
Kissing mouth to mouth
Other kissing, licking, sucking (not genitals)
Heavy petting (touching breasts or genitals)
Partners mouth on your genitals
Your mouth on partners genitals
Intercourse (penis in vagina)
Penis in anus (butt)
Overall, how long did you spend having sex? Estimate in minutes (so if you spent half an hour, enter “30”)
Was it the right amount of time?
What percentage of the sexual experience did you spend face to face? Enter 0 if you didn’t kiss each other’s mouths and used sexual positions that did not bring your faces near each other. Enter 100 (%) if you spent the whole sexual experience with your faces near each other. If you spent about half the time with your faces together, enter 50 (%). And so on. Enter the percent
Was the amount of time you spent face to face the right amount of time for you?

In this section, think about the experience your sexual partner had the last time you had sex. How much would (s)he agree with each statement about that sexual experience. If you are not sure, make your best guess
Not at all
Very much
My partner wanted to have sex that time
My partner planned to have sex that time
My partner was really aroused by me
My partner was really attracted to me
My partner was satisfied sexually
My partner was satisfied emotionally
My partner had sex to feel close to me
My partner had sex to express love to me
My partner had sex because (s)he was horny
My partner had sex to satisfy her/his sexual needs
Not at all
Very much
My partner had sex because (s)he wanted to feel better
My partner had sex so (s)he would feel attractive
My partner had sex to dominate me
My partner had sex to feel in control
My partner had sex to please me
My partner had sex mainly because I wanted to
My partner likes me to force her
My partner likes me to be in control
Think about the person you would most like to have sex with (perhaps in your fantasies). This might be somebody you know, somebody you used to know or were involved with, somebody you have seen around, or somebody in the media. Select the statement that best describes your relationship with the person you would most like to have sex with.

In this section we ask you to think about the women that you know, and the reasons why they have sex (or why they chose not to have sex). Below are statements about why women may or may not have sex. Thinking generally about the women you know personally, rate how much you think they had sex in the last week (or might have had sex) for the reason listed.
In the last week, the women I know would have or did have…
Not at all
sex to feel close to someone they love
sex to sex to express love to someone
sex because they feel horny
sex to sex to satisfy sexual needs
sex to feel better or cheer up
sex because it makes them feel attractive
sex to dominate their partner
sex to feel in control
sex to had sex to please a partner
sex because their partner wants to
Not at all
sex to get back at somebody
sex to make somebody jealous
Again thinking generally about the women you know personally, rate how much you think the statements below were true for them in the last week.
Not at all
They mostly like to be forced to have sex
They like their partner to be in control during sex
They usually don’t really want to have sex when they do
They use sex to get what they want
They have a healthy approach to sex
They are normal sexual beings

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