Survey Templates Surveys Student Awareness

Student Awareness

Student Awareness

How do you obtain news?
How many times during a week do you pick up a newspaper
Why would you read a newpaper?
What do you consider when buying or picking up a newspaper?
On average, how many different newspaper publications do you read in a week?
How many subscription based publications do you currently receive?
Out of the following list, availability of what three papers are most important to you on campus?(other than the Daily Texan)
Do you read The Daily Texan?
If yes, Why?
Very Important
Not Important
How important is reading an newspaper to you?
Why is reading a newspaper important to you?
No Change
Slight Increase
Significant Increase
How would your newpaper reading habits change if you had access to more daily newspapers on campus?
Have you heard of the Collegiate Readership Program from USA Today?
Where do you currently live?
What is your classification?

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