Survey Templates Surveys Literacy - COPIED [CYUHPNHYVO]



What is your subject area?
How important is reading to mastering the content of your course?
Separate from SSR, roughly what percentage of class time is devoted to reading?
Do you use any pre-reading strategies before you assign a reading? Some examples would be previewing charts and photos, KWL charts, word splashes etc.
Do students help each other with reading?
Do you read aloud to the students?
Do you have students work on reading in pairs or small groups?
Do students ask questions about the text?
Do you assign reading for homework?
How do you assess students’ comprehension of a passage?
Do you use LINKS templates (or something similar) to assess reading?
Do you use writing assignments to help with reading comprehension?

Do you note taking to help with reading comprehension?
In your classroom, what reading strategies do you find most useful?
School wide, how can we improve students’ reading ability?

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