Survey Templates Surveys Tanning Survey

Tanning Survey

Test Survey


You are invited to participate in this survey which aims to investigate what people think about tanning and using solariums. Please answer all of the questions. It will take approximately 10 to 12 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Remember that your participation is voluntary. Your answers are STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and will only be seen by members of the research team.Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Michelle Russell at (h) 08 9305 2796 (m) 0434 931 323

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

How do you rate your skin type ? (Tick one)
Imagine 30 minutes in the sun in the middle of the day for the first time in summer. If you were not wearing sunscreen, do you think you would: (Tick one)
Imagine you spent short periods of time in the sun everyday over the summer (without sunscreen). How do you think your skin would look at the end of the summer? (Tick one)
Compared to most other people I know of the same age, I have : (Tick one)
On a sunny day do you usually sunbathe? (Tick one)
During the summer holidays, how often do you wear a hat (including beach, excursion, outside at home)? (Tick one)
During the summer holidays, how often do you apply sunscreen (including beach, excursion, outside at home)? (Tick one)
When I put on sunscreen, I do so for the following reasons: (Tick all that apply)
What are your thoughts about tanning

The following questions ask for your thoughts and opinions about tanning.

Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with EACH of the following statements, by ticking the agreement button that corresponds to you answer. (Remember there are no right or wrong answers) Tick one button for each statement
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Tanned skin is more attractive than skin that is not tanned
I look better with a tan
A tan makes me look healthy
It's more important for me to have a tan now, than worry about future wrinkles from sun damage
During which hours should you stay out of the sun to prevent skin damage? (Tick one)
Sunscreen should be applied: (Tick one)
Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with EACH of the following statements, by ticking the corresponding agreement button that corresponds to your answer: (Remember, there are no right or wrong answers) Tick one button for each statement
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Sunscreens are too inconvenient to use on a regular basis
Sunscreens are too expensive to use on a regular basis
I am worried about getting skin cancer
I am worried about the possibility of sun exposure causing my skin to age prematurely
Your feelings

Please indicate your answer to each of the following statements, by ticking the button that best represents your response. At this time, how strongly do you intend to increase your level of protection from the sun?
Not at all
A little
Moderately strongly
Very strongly
At this time, how strongly do you feel that reducing your exposure to the sun is a sensible thing to do?
Not at all
A little
Moderately strongly
Very strongly
At this time, how strongly do you feel an urge to reduce your time in the sun?
No urge at all
A slight urge
A moderately strong urge
A strong urge
A very strong urge
At this time, how fearful do you feel about being over exposed to the sun?
Not fearful at all
A little fearful
Moderately fearful
Very fearful
Extremely fearful
How often have you used a sunbed/solaria in the past 12 months (Tick one)
Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with EACH of the following statements, by ticking the agreement button that corresponds to your answer: (Remember, there are no right or wrong answers) Tick one button for each statement
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Sunbed/solaria tanning is likely to cause premature aging
People with a sunbed/solaria tan look more attractive
Sunbed/solaria tanning might cause skin cancer
I like to have a sunbed/solaria tan because I feel healthier
People are less likely to get sunburnt if they acquire a tan from a sunbed/solaria prior to a vacation
I like the complements I get from having a sunbed/solaria tan
I feel claustrophobic while using a sunbed/solaria
Tanning indoors helps lift my spirits
A sunbed/solaria tan looks fake
Tanning indoors is relaxing
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I get uncomfortably hot and sweaty when I tan indoors
Tanning indoors is safer than tanning outdoors in the sun
Have you ever felt you should cut down your tanning? (Tick one)
Have people annoyed you by criticizing your tanning? (Tick one)
Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your tanning? (Tick one)
Have you ever thought about tanning first thing in the morning? (Tick one)
Have you ever experienced any adverse effects like red painful skin from using a sunbed/solaria (Tick one)
Do you always wear goggles when tanning with sunbed/ solaria (Tick one)
Prior to using sunbed/solaria have you been provided with information or advise regarding your skin type and safe practice of sunbed/solaria use (Tick one)
Which type of skin cancer is most dangerous? (Tick one)
Which type of skin cancer is most common? (Tick one)
Imagine there are 100 Australian men and women. I’d like to know how many you think will get melanoma at some time in their life? (Enter the number you think in the box below)
Imagine there are 100 Australian men and women. I’d like to know how many you think will get some other skin cancer at some time in their life? (Enter the number you think in the box below)
Out of 100 people with melanoma skin cancer, what number would still be alive 5 years after diagnosis? (Enter the number you think in the box below)
Out of 100 people with other skin cancers, what number would still be alive 5 years after diagnosis? (Enter the number you think in the box below)
If you treated melanoma in the early stages rather than a later stage, how much difference would it make to how long you’d live? (Tick one)
If you treated other skin cancers in the early stages rather than a later stage, how much difference would it make to how long you’d live? (Tick one)
Do you know what increases your risk of getting melanoma? Which one of the following risk factors do you think would be the main ones? Rank the order of risk factors (1- Highest risk factor, 7- Lowest risk factor)
Excessive exposure to sunlight/ultraviolet radiation
Fair skin / skin which burns easily and doesn't tan
Having lots of moles
Unprotected exposure to the sun at an early age (under 15 years old)
Unprotected exposure (over 15 years old)
Previous history of skin cancer
Having family history of melanoma
Do you know what increases your risk of getting other skin cancers? Which one of the following risk factors would be the main ones? Rank the order of highest risk factors >(1 - Highest risk factor, 9 - Lowest risk factor)
Excessive exposure to sunlight/ultraviolet radiation
Fair skin / skin which burns easily and doesn't tan
Having lots of moles
Unprotected exposure to the sun at an early age (under 15 years old)
Unprotected exposure (over 15 years old)
Previous history of non-melanoma skin cancer
Previous history of skin cancer
Having a family history of non-melanoma skin cancer
Having a family history of skin cancer
In the last 12 months, has a doctor checked at least some of your skin for any suspicious spots that might be skin cancer? (if more than once, please refer to the most recent skin check) (Tick one)
If yes, where was the check done?
Your age in years
Your gender (Tick one)
Where do you live? please include country and state of residence.
What is the main language spoken at home?
What is the highest level of education that you have completed? (Tick one)
With regard to smoking tobacco have you ever smoked daily? (Tick one)
How often do you now smoke cigarettes, pipes or other tobacco products? (Tick one)
With regard to alcoholic drink of any kind have you had a drink in the last 12 month? (Tick one)
In the last 12 months, how often did you have an alcoholic drink of any kind? (Tick one)
On the day that you have an alcoholic drink, how many standard drinks do you usually have? (please refer to the 'Standard Drinks Guide' provided to you as an attachment with your initial information and consent e-mail message)
With regard to illicit drugs (this includes any legal drugs obtained on prescription but given or sold to another person to use and prescription drugs used in order induce or enhance a drug experience) have you ever used drugs? (Tick one)
In the last 12 months, how often did you use illicit drugs (Tick one)

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