Survey Templates Surveys Death Anxiety Scale-Extended - COPIED [QSNYRRYPVQ]

Death Anxiety Scale-Extended - COPIED [QSNYRRYPVQ]

Death Anxiety Scale-Extended

Your age?
1. I am very much afraid to die.
2. The thought of death seldom enters my mind.
3. It doesn't make me nervous when people talk about death.
4. I dread to think about having to have an operation.
5. I am not at all afraid to die.
6. I am not particularly afraid of getting cancer.
7. The thought of death never bothers me.
8. I am often distressed by the way time flies so very rapidly.
9. I fear dying a painful death.
10. The subject of life after death troubles me greatly.
11. I am really scared of having a heart attack.
12. I often think about how short life really is.
13. I shudder when I hear people talking about a World War III.
14. The sight of a dead body is horrifying to me.
15. I feel that the future holds nothing for me to fear.
16. I'm afraid of dying on a hi-jacked plane.
17. I would feel uncomfortable to take a job as a gravedigger.
18. It makes me worry about dying when I hear a friend has died.
19. I am afraid of being embalmed.
20. I'm scared that a doctor will tell me I'm dying.
21. I feel uncomfortable around funeral directors.
22. I'm afraid to fall asleep because I might die.
23. I get uncomfortable when I hear of someone my age dying.
24. I'm anxious that I might die soon.
25. I think about death every day.
26. Religious matters trouble me.
27. Movies involving people dying trouble me.
28. If people are talking about dying I avoid the conversation.
29. I'm afraid of dying in an accident.
30. I worry about what will happen to me when I die.
31. I fear drowning.
32. I am very much afraid of perpetual torture after death.
33. I don't like discussing death related issues.
34. I do not like visiting nursing homes since many people there do not live very long.
35. Death is a dark, scary, and lonely thing.
36. I am afraid of dying from a life-threatening disease.
37. I do not smoke since I am afraid of dying from cancer.
38. I am afraid that I do not know when death is going to come.
39. I very much fear burning in hell.
40. I don't feel I have a purpose in life.
41. I dwell upon the sins I have committed.
42. I very much fear being tortured to death.
43. Dreams that bother me involve death.
44. Sometimes I feel like I can't stop thinking about death.
45. I'm scared to go to the hospital because I might die there.
46. I worry that when I leave home I might never return.
47. I worry a great deal about hell.
48. I do not to like to watch war movies.
49. I would be afraid of flying in a plane because an accident could kill me.
50. I am afraid of sleeping alone.
51. I am very much afraid of a terrorist attack.
52. I'm afraid of someone "pulling the plug" when I don't want them to.
53. I often dream about death.
54. When I think about death I can't get my mind off the subject.
55. I avoid stories involving death.
56. I'm afraid of being killed in my sleep.
57. When I'm in small places I worry about being trapped and dying.
58. I won't let doctors treat me because sometimes they accidentally kill people.
59. I worry about overdosing on medication.
60. The sight of a hearse makes me nervous.
61. I am afraid of being burned or cremated while I am still alive.
62. I have nightmares about dying. Dreams about dying often wake me.
63. I am afraid of people performing an autopsy on me.
64. It makes me nervous when I see an ambulance.
65. The thought that I will not live forever makes me nervous.
66. I am afraid of dying in a natural disaster.
67. I am fearful about death because I am concerned about the grief it may cause.
68. I fear being killed in a war.
69. The idea of reincarnation frightens me.
70. When I think about death I can't go to sleep.
71. The sight of a casket makes me nervous.
72. I don't like being around people who are very old.
73. I won't go to hospitals because that's where people die.
74. I am troubled about the purpose of life.
75. I fear not being able to move after I die.
76. The thought of no longer existing bothers me.
77. I worry about what will happen to my possessions when I die.
78. I worry that I might die today.
Thank you for your time and for answering honestly.

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