Survey Templates Surveys Dimensions of Service Quality

Dimensions of Service Quality


This questionnaire is designed to examine the most important factors in delivering service quality in aid related projects, and also to identify what factors might exist which inhibit the ability to deliver quality, from the perspective of employees and consultants working for NGOs.

The questionnaire is broken into four sections and will take approximately ten to fifteen minutes to complete. I would like to attract as many respondents to the survey as possible, and to that end, invite you to forward the attached link to others in your industry who may be interested to respond.

Survey responses will be directed through an on-line data research company and as such will be anonymous to the researcher.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project, however, if any of the questions cause you to feel uncomfortable please move on to the next question. You are free to withdraw from the survey at any point.

If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact me (Sally Keeley) by email at: [email protected].

Alternatively, you may contact my supervisor, Alistair Reid at: [email protected].

This project has been approved by the Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee. Should you wish to make a complaint on ethical grounds you may contact the Secretary at: [email protected].

Thank you very much for your time and support and once again I would appreciate survey responses by Wednesday 14 May 2008. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Next button below.

1. Which of the following best describes your role (select one response only)?
2. How many years have you worked for an NGO? (Go to Q4 after answering this question).
3. How many years have you worked as a consultant?
4. Please identify your gender.
5. Do you have academic qualifications?
6. If your response to the previous question was yes, what is your highest qualification?
7. How many years has the company you currently, or most recenlty worked for as an employee or consultant, operated in the international aid sector?
8. How many years have you worked in the international aid sector?
9. In what areas does the company you currently, or most recently worked for as an employee or consultant, primarily deliver aid services (select as many as applicable)?
10. In what geographical areas does the company you currently, or most recently worked for, primarily deliver services (select as many as applicable)?
11. What is the estimated annual value of the projects which the company you currently, or most recently worked for, delivers (select one response only)?
12. Do you have any responsibility within the organisation you currently, or most recently worked for, for managing/monitoring the quality of services delivered by employees of the company?

13. Please indicate what you believe is the relative importance of the following statements for the company you currently, or most recently worked for: (choose one response on the scale for each question, with 5 being of greater importance and 1 being lesser importance).
1 (lesser importance)
5 (greater importance)
13d. Personal contacts within target partner countries
13e. Record of high Occupational Health & Safety standards
13g. Understanding of the environmental factors impacting partner countries, eg., mining, air pollution, deforestation
13a. Understanding of the long-term goals of aid intervention
13f. History of excellent service delivery in previous projects
13b. Previous experience working within target partner countries
13c. Avoiding use of technological jargon when speaking to aid beneficiaries
13h. Honouring commitments of a minor nature, such as responding to phone enquiries from donor/partner countries' representatives
13i. Developing a communication protocol which includes all stakeholders
13j. Ensuring a high level of accuracy in company invoicing
1 (lesser importance)
5 (greater importance)
13k. Ability to commence project services according to agreed timelines
13m. Knowledge of partner countries' cultures
13n. Good reputation for successfully delivering contracted services
13o. Treating aid beneficiaries with respect and friendliness
13p. Well designed, laid out reports
13q. Ability to link monitoring processes with project objectives
14. Please indicate what you believe is the relative importance for the company you currently, or most recently worked for, to offer: (choose one response on the scale for each question, with 5 being of greater importance and 1 being lesser importance)
1 (lesser importance)
5 (greater importance)
14a. Employees and/or consultants with tertiary qualifications
14b. Intervention strategies which are sustainable over the long-term, beyond the contract duration
14c. Project management expertise
14d. Child care facilities for aid beneficiaries
14e. Complaints management process for aid beneficiaries
14f. Specialist skills relevant to the project, eg., agriculture, water infrastructure
14g. Skills to communicate service interventions to aid beneficiaries
15. When tendering for business what do you believe is the relative importance to the company you currently, or most recently worked for, to demonstrate: (choose one response on the scale for each question, with 5 being of greater importance and 1 being lesser importance)
1 (lesser importance)
5 (greater importance)
15a. Unqualified audited financial statements for the company
15b. Knowledge of partner countries' governance structures
15c. Previous experience working with targeted aid beneficiaries
15d. Effective governance processes in place in the company
15e. A high level of acceptance within partner countries
15f. Understanding of donor countries' contract management processes
15g. Knowledge of procurement and contracting processes
15h. Effective financial management systems in place in the company
15i. Understanding of values and cultural perspectives of partner countries
15j. Effective risk management processes in place in the company
16. During the contract delivery phase, what do you believe is the relative importance to the company you currently, or most recently worked for, to: (choose one response on the scale for each question, with 5 being of greater importance and 1 being lesser importance)
1 (lesser importance)
5 (greater importance)
16d. Understand the needs of aid beneficiaries
16e. Take immediate action when service delivery problems arise
16f. Show evidence of an effective communication protocol in place
16g. Respond immediately to contract management queries from donor countries
16h. Protect records of aid beneficiaries from unauthorised access or use
16k. Focus on transferring skills to partner countries' stakeholders
16m. Organise social activities for aid beneficiaries
16a. Ensure a high level of accuracy in monitoring reports
16j. Provide requested information about project progress according to agreed schedules
16i. Establish consultative processes with partner countries
1 (lesser importance)
5 (greater importance)
16b. Provide lockable storage units for personal information of aid beneficiaries
16c. Measure project progress against agreed objectives
16n. Honour commitments made to donor/partner countries'; eg., to provide project information such as reports
16o. Deliver contracted services according to agreed milestones
16p. Provide a resource dedicated to managing complaints
16q. Achieve unqualified audited financial statements for the project
16r. Work from buildings which are safely constructed
16s. Involve partner countries in the design of aid interventions
16t. Be located in areas where there is little likelihood of civil unrest
17. Please nominate the five questions from question 13a to 16t that you believe are the most important questions. If you have nominated more than five as being of greater importance, or alternatively, have not rated any questions as being of greater importance, please nominate the five that you consider most critical. Please enter the number of the five identified questions in the space provided.
18. To what extent do you believe the company you currently, or most recently worked for, achieves against the five most critical factors identified in the previous question:(choose one response on the scale for each question, with 5 being highly successful and 1 being highly unsuccessful)?
1 (highly unsuccessful)
5 (highly successful)
18a. Factor 1
18b. Factor 2
18c. Factor 3
18d. Factor 4
18e. Factor 5
19. What does the term “quality” mean to you? Please enter comment in space provided.
20. List the three most important factors within the sphere of influence of the company you currently, or most recently worked for, which you have experienced as inhibiting the delivery of high quality services on international aid projects. Please list in the space provided.
21. List the three most important factors outside of the sphere of influence of the company you currently, or most recently worked for, which you have experienced as inhibiting the delivery of high quality services on international aid projects. Please list in the space provided.

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