Survey Templates Surveys Knowledge Management Survey

Knowledge Management Survey

Knowledge Management Survey

1. Which of the following best describes your position within your organisation?
What is your organisation's primary activity (Select one only)
What is your Gender?
What is your age?
Which of the following best describes the area you live in?
Please rate your agreement with the following statement:

I have adequate access to information available which enables me to do my job well.
Does your organisation make a distinction between Document Management and knowledge Management ?
Can you summarise or outline the Knowledge Managment Solution/process you have in place?

For example Do you use a particular software or a documentation framework or does your organisation arrange meetings or other informal knowledge sharing activities in order to facilitate knowledge transfer?

Does your organisations Intranet (and/or extranet) provide any of the following systems/services? (Please select all that apply)
I understand the day-to-day goals of my department.
My work group has a climate in which diverse perspectives are valued.
How comfortable do you feel using the Internet?
How satisfied are you with your current skills for using the Internet?
Which of these groups have you become more connected to through the Internet? (Please check all that apply.)
Complete the following sentence in the way that comes closest to your own views: "Since getting on the Internet, I have "
Which of the following have you done? Please check all that apply.
Do you use or have you used any of the following websites?
I am registered and login frequently
I am registered and login occasionally
I registered to check it out but don't use it much
I use it regularly but haven't registered
I have heard about it and/or visited it once
I haven't heard about this site
I am registered and login frequently
I am registered and login occasionally
I registered to check it out but don't use it much
I use it regularly but haven't registered
I have heard about it and/or visited it once
I haven't heard about this site
In which of the following ways does your organisation currently conduct electronic business via online services, corporate extranets, intranets, or the public Internet? (Please check ALL that apply)
How many people are employed in each of the following areas of your business?

Entire company
Within your department
At your location
How long have you been using the Internet (including using e-mail, gopher, ftp, etc.)?

How frequently do you access the web from the following places?
Less than once a month
From a mobile phone
From home (including a home office)
From work
From school
From a public terminal (e.g. library, cybercafe, etc.)
From other places
During an average week, most of your professional correspondence (postal mail or e-mail) is with which of the following:

Have you any impairments?
Do you read any Blogs?
Do you write a Blog?
Have you ever contributed comments to a Blog?
Does anyone else you know personally write a Blog?
Which of the two following statements most matches your own opinion?
If you need some advice from someone that is not currently at your location how are you most likely to try to access that advice? Please rank in order of preference (1 being the most preferred method and 6 being the least preferred method)
Internet/Intranet Collaboration resource(Wiki,Bulletin Board, Online Forum etc.)
Internet/Intranet Repository (Document search,handbook, reference guide, manual,instruction guide etc.)
Phone Call
Instant Messaging Chat
If a staff member within your organisation is moved from one role to another or leaves the organisation, does the organisation have a knowledge (or expertise) transfer/retention process in place?
What methods does your organisation use to transfer or retain knowledge when a staff member leaves or is transferred to another role?
Are you familiar with the concept of 'communities of practice'?
Are you aware if there are any communities of practice:
There are..
There are not..
I don't know..
Within your organisation?
Within your profession?
Within your sector?
Are any of these communities of practice supported by any of the following mechanisms? (please select all that apply)
Finally, are there any additional comments you would like to make, either on this survey itself or on any aspect of Knowledge Management or Technological or non-technological knowledge support systems within your organisation or your experience?

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