Survey Templates Surveys Attitudes towards Campus Wide Emails

Attitudes towards Campus Wide Emails

Attitudes towards Campus Wide Emails

How old are you?
What is your gender?
Is English your first language?
What year in college are you?
What major or majors are you currently declared into?
Have you declared a minors, if so which one(s)?
Do you live on campus or off campus?
Which of these services do you use often (at least once a week)? (check all that apply)
General Survey Questions
Do you check your email every day?
If yes, about how many times a day do you check your email?
If no, about how many times a week do you check it?
When do you usually check your email? (check all that apply)
Do you check more than one email account on a regular basis?
If so, what do you consider your primary e-mail account (the address for which you receive the most mail)?
How many emails, on average do you receive a day?
There are many sources of campus, school and major-wide emails, including but not limited to crime alerts, university notices, and departmental emails.
In a typical week, about how many emails do you receive from campus wide email – including university, career center, academic development, police, president, etc (but not your dorm or campus housing)
Of these e-mails, how many do you usually read?
About how many campus wide emails do you read on a typical day?
In a typical week, about how many emails do you received from departments email – including email from your department, school and major sent to all students in your department or your year and department. This does not include emails from classes.
Of these e-mails, how many do you read?
About how many departmental wide emails do you read on a typical day?
If you received two emails, one from a campus wide source and one from your department, which would you be more likely to read?
Have you ever set up to set up your email to send emails from any of the following sources to a spam folder? (check all that apply)
Would you ever block an e-mail from a school address?
Are there any emails you wished the school sent out that they don't?
Have you ever read the crime reports from the police?
How would you describe your reading habits of crime reports?
On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate how important you think it is that students are kept up to date with local crime?
After a crime report, students may change their course of action (for example, calling safewalk, taking an escort or taking a different route home than usual) to avoid walking alone in certain areas. Have you ever changed plans because of crime reports?

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