Survey Templates Surveys Volusia/Flagler County HR Salary Survey

Volusia/Flagler County HR Salary Survey

Volusia/Flagler County HR Salary Survey

What industry are you in?
How many people does your company employ in the Volusia/Flagler county area?
On average, what would be the annual salary for a Human Resource Assistant working for your company?
On average, what would be the annual salary for a Human Resource Generalist?
On average, what would be the annual salary for an Employment/Recruting Representitive Specialist?
On average, what would be the annual salary for a Compensation and Benefits Specialist?
On average, what would be the annual salary for a Training Specialist/Leadership Development Specialist?
On average, what would be the annual salary for a Human Resource Manager?
On average, what would be the annual salary for a Director of Human Resources?
On average, what would be the annual salary for a Vice President of Human Resources?
What type of indirect benefits do you receive (not included in your yearly salary)?
Please select all that apply.
What percentage of your salary will your company match in 401k savings?

What type of health benefits do you receive (not included in your yearly salary)?
Please select all that apply
What % does your company contribute towards health benefits?
Briefly list or describe the key challenges or issues you face in your own job in HR now.
Briefly list or describe the key challenges or issues you think the HR profession will face in the next ten years.

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