Survey Templates Surveys Leadership through Film

Leadership through Film

Leadership through Film

This survey is intended for faculty members who teach courses in leadership, leadership studies, or courses that have a significant portion of the course devoted to leadership. We are interested in both the extent to which you use films of all types (feature films, documentaries, educational films about leadership) as a pedagogical tool, and which films you use.

The following survey has been approved by Claremont McKenna College IRB.
Do you use film to portray leadership in your courses?
Type of Educational Institution
What is your current position? (Check all that apply)
How many years have you been teaching in education?
How many years have you been teaching leadership courses?
How many years have you been teaching leadership sections within your courses?
What is the length of the institutional grading term?
Please list the title of leadership courses that you teach and estimate the number of films shown to portray leadership in each course.
Course Title
# of Films Shown
Do you teach any courses that are primarily about how leadership is portrayed in film? If so, please briefly describe the course(s).
Which leadership themes do you try to portray through films? Choose all that apply.
Identify your “top ten” movies for teaching leadership?
Briefly identify your “top ten” scenes depicting leadership?
Ethnic/racial group
What is your highest level of education?
Would you be willing to participate in an additional survey on this topic, or a brief phone interview in the near future?
If yes, please provide contact information (email address and phone number with the best time to contact you)

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