Survey Templates Surveys Developmental Education In Florida

Developmental Education In Florida

Remedial Education

Thank you for taking the time to participate in an important research study of Florida Community College developmental education programs. As you know, students in developmental education programs are often the most at risk population of students on our campuses and the number of students in developmental education programs continue to increase. The researchers are interested gathering descriptive data and qualitative evaluations of the current developmental education programs in Florida Community Colleges from practitioners who are currently working in the system. This research is sponsored by the Florida Developmental Education Association (FDEA), a chapter of the National Association of Developmental Education (NADE), and will serve as the foundation for future research in improving developmental education programs in the community colleges of Florida.

You have been randomly selected from a list of faculty and administration working at your community college. You will be asked about your work at your community college and your familiarity with the program at your college. All of the information that you provide is confidential and is known only to the researchers. When the results are published, your identity will be protected so you can respond freely to the questions below. If you have any questions about this important research, please contact the research team at 386-754-4369.

The survey should take approximately 15 minutes. Thank you again for taking the time to participate in an important research study of Florida Community College developmental education programs, and thank you for strengthening the understanding of an under-researched population of community colleges.

Holly Smith
Survey Administrator
1. I am a faculty member who teaches or who has taught courses in developmental education at my current college.
2. I am an administrator who works with students and or faculty in my college's developmental education program.
Developmental Education Program Details
3. Please list the developmental math courses that your college offers. For example: MAT 0024 (Beginning Algebra)
4. Please list the developmental English courses that your college offers. For example: ENC 0020 (Principles of Writing I)
5. Please list the developmental reading courses that your college offers. For example: REA 0020 (Principles of Reading)
6. Please describe the structure of your college's developmental education program.
7. What are the cut-off scores used to place your students into developmental coursework?
CPT Score
ACT Score
SAT Score
Other Test
Math (highest level of developmental coursework)
English (highest level of developmental coursework)
Reading (highest level of developmental coursework)
Program Evaluation Processes
8. Please answer the following question based on the frequency that your college participates in the following evaluations.
My college evaluates the developmental program by:
in a multi-year cycle
semesterly/ quarterly
don't know
completing internal program reviews.
analyzing student grades and completion rates.
analyzing exit exam results.
analyzing student evaluations of faculty.
tracking student success in future courses.
measuring learning outcomes of students.
9. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about changes made in your college's developmental education program?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Don't Know
In the last year, evaluation processes used at my college lead to changes within the remediation coursework or programming.
In the last year, anecdotal experiences of faculty and administrators lead to changes within the remediation program.
In the last year, best practices from other colleges lead to changes in the remediation program.
In the last year, there have been no changes in the remediation program.
Program Support
10. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your college's developmental education program?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Don't Know
The remedial program has adequate financial resources to prepare students for college level work.
The remedial program has adequate physical resources to prepare students for college level work.
The remedial program has adequate human resources to prepare students for college level work.
11. Please indicate the frequency of faculty professional development in your developmental education program.
Once every few years
Every other year
Don't Know
Developmental education faculty participate in on-site internally designed professional development activities.
Developmental education faculty participate in discipline specific conferences in math, English, or reading.
Developmental education faculty participate in developmental education conferences such as NADE or FDEA.
Evaluation and Recommendations
12. Please rate your satisfaction with the the following attributes of your college's developmental education program below.
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
The training of faculty.
The use of part-time faculty.
The commitment of faculty.
The commitment of administration.
The student support services offered.
The performance of students on state exit exams.
The performance of students in later college level course work.
The general effectiveness of your college's developmental education program.
13. The best characteristic of my college’s developmental education is . . .
14. The worst characteristic of my college’s developmental education is . . .
15. My recommendations for improving my community college developmental education program are . . .
16. Which title best describes your current position at your community college?
17. How long have you been working at your current community college?
18. In which discipline is your training and education?
19. Which category best describes your ethnicity?
20. Which category best describes your gender?

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