Survey Templates Surveys Nanoparticles



You are invited to participate in our survey. We are a team of research analysts at Imperial College London working on a new and exciting technology for nanoparticle synthesis.

We believe this new method has a number of benefits over conventional synthesis methods including;

More highly monodisperse particles;
Greater batch to batch consistency ;
Lower production costs and price .

In order to better understand whether these factors would be of use to you as a purchaser of nanoparticles we would be very grateful if you could spend
no more than 5 minutes of your time to answer the questions in the attached questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact [us by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Please state the name of you organization (optional)
Please specify the main purpose for purchasing nanoparticles
Do you produce any nanoparticles in house ?
Please the approximate proportion of total nanoparticles produced in-house
Please provide the name(s) of you current nanoparticles supplier(s) (optional)
Please complete the table below for any type of nanoparticle you buy
Approx grams per month purchased
Approx cost per gram
Metals : Gold
Metals : Silver
Metals : Iron
Metal Oxides : Titanium
Metal Oxides : Silica
Quantum dots : Cadmium Selenide
If the price of nanoparticles was lower would you purchase more nanoparticles?
Approximately how many more grams per year would you buy?
How important is it to you that the nanoparticles you purchase are highly monodisperse. ie + 1 - 5% of the mean diameter
Are there applications for which you would prefer nanoparticles which have a higher monodispersity than the nanoparticles you currently purchase?
What are the application for which you would prefer nanoparticles which have a higher monodispersity?
What price premium (over and above the price you are currently paying) would you be willing to pay for a batch of nanoparticles which are highly monodisperse? i.e. + 1 - 5% of the mean diameter
How important is it to you that there is batch to batch consistency in the nanoparticles you purchase?
What price premium (over and above the price you are currently paying) for nanoparticles which were highly consistent between batches?
Would you be interested in purchasing nanoparticles which could be consistently synthesised to particular user predetermined specifications? For example nanoparticles where the purchaser could predetermine the size sensitivity (+ x%), quantum efficiency, purity level, shape, defect density etc.
What price premium (over and above the price you are currently paying) for nanoparticles would you be willing to pay for nanoparticles which could be consistently synthesized to predetermined user specifications? For example nanoparticles where the purchaser could predetermine the size sensitivity (+ x%), quantum efficiency, purity level, shape, defect density etc.
Would you consider switching away from your current supplier if you could purchase nanoparticles of the same quality from an cheaper alternative supplier?
How much cheaper would the alternative supplier have to be for you to switch?
If it was cost effective would you in principle be interested in acquiring a nanoparticle production unit capable of delivering between 5- 50g samples which would allow in-house nanoparticle production capabilities?
Many thanks for completing the survey. If you would not mind us contacting you for some follow up questions please provide an contact number and first name below.

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