The Fan Economy – Moving Fans from Satisfaction to Delight

Delight customers to ensure continuous success
Abstract  From the outside, sports franchises appear to be able to print their own money.  However, the fan economy dictates the...
Steve Livingstone
14 min read

Generating better insights by controlling data quality

Fraud detection in market research to improve quality of insights
Data Quality is a fundamentally important aspect of Market Research. As digital platforms scale, the power of research can enable many...
Vignesh Krishnan
15 min read

Taking Continuous Listening to the Next Level with Behavioral Science

Using surveys to influence employees' behavior
Executive summary Since 2020, we have been observing a new phenomenon in the employee experience space. As organizations increased the frequency...
Sanja Licina, Ph.D.
10 min read

Delivering Fast and Flexible Exploratory Research at Scale

Know how exploratory research can help you create a bigger impact
Exploratory qualitative research is a critical part of how successful companies adapt to rapidly changing consumer behaviors and sentiments. If you...
Monika Rogers
5 min read

Real-Time Governance – A Blue-print for Government Experience

Know what real time governance is and how it empowers citizens
Introduction & Executive Summary The pandemic has been tantamount to displaying just how essential services provided by the government can be...
Sindhu Sreenath
11 min read

Finding the Leverage Point in CX Programs

Back to basics - CX Business Model and Strategy
“Can you picture Richard Branson dreaming of a high Net Promoter® Score when launching the Virgin Group? Did you ever hear...
Alexis G. Herrera
7 min read

Breaking Silos between UX, CX and MRX

Mitigate and reduce inefficiency with a centralized platform
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Over the past decade, top-performing companies have afforded UX, CX, and MRX teams more operational independence. And for a...
Nick Freiling
5 min read

Agile market research: New technologies, new opportunities!

A complete guide to conduct market research that meets the dynamic needs of organizations
Introduction Traditional market research has always been extremely time-consuming and expensive as the resources required to understand, strategize and execute market...
Aditya Bhat
31 min read

Competence is Not a Differentiator, Competence With Empathy is.

Opening up the next frontier in retention and growth
Executive Summary Research shows that emotions are the key factor when making a decision. Without any emotions, we are not able...
Vivek Bhaskaran
22 min read