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Questions marked with a * are required
* 1.How long have you been a franchisee?
Less than a year
1 to 2 years
2 to 4 years
More than 4 years
* 2. Why did this franchise appeal to you more than the others?
It was affordable
I liked the brand and the franchisor promise
It was value for money
Other (Please specify in the text box)
3. What is the rate of your overall level of satisfaction with this franchise?:
* 5 being the best and 1 being the worst
4. How much franchisor fulfilled its commitment in true sense?
Fulfilled all his commitments
Partially fulfilled
Not at all
I don’t know, I am still new
5. How would you describe your relationship with the franchisor?
Strong professional relationship built on trust and continuous support
Disconnected with no support
Boss and subordinate relationship
Other (Please specify in the text box)
* 6. Did the Franchisor provide you adequate training required to get you up and running smoothly?
Yes- I was provided all required training to run the business (marketing, software and technical skills)
Partly- Training covered partially the knowledge required to run the business
No- I found it irrelevant
7. How would you describe the ongoing training provided by the franchisor?
Very relevant and beneficial to me as an accountant and business owner
It is somehow relevant to my business and development needs
It is irrelevant to my business and development needs
8. How would you describe the marketing & advertising provided by the franchisor compared to the marketing fees you are paying?
It is value for money as it generates considerable new business
My territory doesn’t always benefit from the global marketing spends
It is a complete waste of money with no impact on new business in my area
Please specify if you choose other
9. Please specify the support areas that the franchisor is providing you with: (select as many as applicable)
My CPD hours required
Regular advice
Employee training
Employee recruitment
Local marketing

10. What are the strengths of this franchise?
11. What are the weaknesses of this franchise?
12. What is in your opinion the greatest risk in this business?
13. What are the major challenges you faced after starting up and how did you overcome these challenges?
14. What are the lessons learned? Looking back, what would you have done differently?
* 15. How long did it take you to breakeven and realize a return on investment?
Less than a year
1 to 2 years
2 to 4 years
More than 4 years
16. How many hours of work per week you had to do in the first year?
40 to 50 hours a week
50 to 60 hours a week
More than 60 hours
17. How many hours per week you work now?
Less than 40 hours a week
40 to 50 hours a week
50 to 60 hours a week
More than 60 hours
Not applicable yet
* 18. Are you a registered tax agent?
Not yet
Already have a tax agent working for me
19. If yes, did you get your tax registration while you were a franchisee?
No- I was a tax agent before joining
20. If your answer to Q18 is Not yet, is the franchisor helping you get thru the requirement of the Tax practitioners Board to register?
Yes franchisor is helping me acquire the required TPB supervised tax hours and/or education to get my Tax agent registration
No- Franchisor is not helping me get the Tax agent registration
Not Applicable (If your answer to Q18 was yes)
21. Did the franchisor properly estimate the amount of operating cash that was needed in the beginning?
Yes initial business plan had accurate estimates
22. What about unexpected or hidden costs? What were they and how did they affect your operation?
23. Have your earnings met your expectations?
Yes, and exceeded expectations
Yes, it was fairly close
No, not even close
24. Were there any problems with the territory and competition?
25. How would you describe the competition your business is facing?
26.Any restrictions or limitation placed by Franchisor that has affected your business
* 27. Are you willing to continue your journey with the franchisor?
Yes for sure because I am happy
I am in mid- way and want to give a trail for a short period.
No, I may sell soon the franhcise
28.Is there any advice, recommendation or anything I should know about that you would like to share with me regarding this investment before I start?