Survey Templates Surveys Web User's Analysis

Web User's Analysis

Web Analysis

1. Where do you normally browse?
2. I visit the website (Please Check all that apply)
3. Do you use websites connected with your profession only?
4.While browsing, do you visit only well-known web sites
5. Does the design/layout of web site influence your visit.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
6. Web sites need information about their web-users to familiarize their site and to make profit through advertisements?
7. I must able to communicate over the Internet without others being able to read the content?
8. Are you willing to use your credit card on the web?
9. If the website is well known and reputed will you use your credit card online?
10. Would you conduct banking on the Web?
11. Which of the following would you like to put in a directory for public access on the Web? (White Page) (Please Check all that apply)
12. Have you ever gifted someone through Internet?
13. Which is more important to you while browsing web?
14. During Online Registering, In what kind of websites, do you believe the most, and provide your correct information? (Please check all that apply)
15. What are all the factors refrain you from filling online registration forms in the web? (Please check all that apply.)
16. Does the option of “opt-out” (disallow distribution or sale of personal information) in the web site influence your giving personal data.
17. Does the geographical position of the web site influence your on line registration.
18. Do you read the Privacy policy of the Websites?
If No, why
19. If privacy policy is present in a commercial websites
20. If a particular web site originate from your city
21. How concerned are you about Privacy and Confidentiality on the Internet?
22. How concerned are you about security in relation to making purchases over the Internet?
23. How concerned are you about security during banking transaction over the Internet?
24. Have you ever experienced Cyber Crime?
25. What step will you take, if cybercrime happens to you?

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