Survey Templates Surveys Survey Name

Survey Name

Survey Name


We are a group of students from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) undertaking a research study.

Your company is invited to participate in our survey topic “Perception of Graduate Skills and Attributes: the Fit between Employer and Fresh Graduate Perspective” It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Section A: Employer Profile
Q1. Your age:
Q2. Ethnicity:
Q3. In which of the following industry sector does your organization operate?
Q4. What is your current job position?
Q5. How many people are currently employed at your workplace?
Q6. Currently, how many UTAR fresh graduates were recruited at your workplace?

Section B: General Requirement
(1. Most Important 2.Important 3. Slighty important 4. Not Important)
a) Academic performances
b) Non-academic performances (e.g. attitude, communication skills, team working, etc.)
c) Co-curriculum performances
d) Course relevancy
Q2. What is the CGPA which best describe your minimum expectation for the academic result of the UTAR graduate?
The following items seek your view on how important is UTAR graduate's academic performance for successful employment. Please circle the most appropriate answer.
Very Low Importance
Low importance
Average Importance
High Importance
Very High Importance
i. Academic Results
We would like to know how important a UTAR graduate's academic results to your employment is.
ii. Relevancy of course took in university
We would like to know how important is a graduate's course taken in university relevant to your employment.

Below is a grouped list of graduate non-academic performances. We would like you to rate the extent to which best describe your expectation for UTAR graduate non- academic
performances. Please circle the appropriate answer.
Q1. Communication Skills
Very Low Importance
Low Importance
Average Importance
High Importance
Very High Importance
i.Command in English
The ability of a person to speak in English.
ii.Fluency in second language
Possession of languages other than English, and ability to speak and write fluently.
iii. Presentation Skills
The ability of a person to presenting ideas formally.
iv. Written Communication
The ability of a person to write in a clear,concise and correct manner.
v. Oral Communication
The ability of a person to speak fluently.
vi. Negotiation
The ability of a person in discussion to achieve mutually satisfactory resolution of continuous issues.
Q2. Personal Attributes

Very Low Importance
Low Importance
Average Importance
High Importance
Very High Importance
i. Positive attitude and behavior
The ability of a person in dealing with people, problems and situation with honest integrity, personal ethnics and showing interest, initiative, and effort.
ii. Continuous learning
The willingness of a person to learn continuously and grow in any setting, on and off the job.
iii. Tolerances to stress
The ability of a person to handle stress.
iv. Time management
The ability of a person to set priorities and allocate efficiently to complete several task within specific deadline.
v. Leadership
Having self confidence, impact, and ability to influence others and earn respects from others.
Q3. Socials Skills
Very Low Importance
Low Importance
Average Importance
High Importance
Very High Importance
i. Team work
The ability of a person to interact with others in a ways that contribute to effective working relationships and achievements of goals. The ability of a person to interact with others in a ways that contribute to effective working relationships and achievements of goals.
ii. Interpersonal Skills
The ability to establish good working relationships with customers, clients, and colleagues.
iii. Networking
The ability of a person to develop networks and to define, develop and maintain a support networks for advice and information.
iv. Influencing
The power to have affect on people, or a person to perform tasks.
Q4. Minds Skills
Very Low Importance
Low Importance
Average Importance
High Importance
Very High Importance
i. Analytical ability
The ability of a person to solve a problem or situation.
ii. Critical thinking
The ability of a person to assess a situation, seek multiple perspectives, gather more information and identify key issues that need to be addressed.
iii. Problem Solving
The ability to clarify the nature of a problem,evaluated alternatives, propose viable solutions and determine the outcome from the various options.
iv. Decision Making
The ability to identify all possible options,weigh the pros and cons, assess feasibility and choose the most viable option.
v. Creative Thinking
The ability to generate ideas and options and to initiate new ideas when necessary.
Q5. IT & Numeric Skills
Very Low Importance
Low Importance
Average Importance
High Importance
Very High Importance
i. Computer literacy skills
The ability of a person to understand computer hardware and software,especially word processing, spreadsheets,and email.
ii. Numeric Skills
The ability of a person to use numbers at an appropriate level of accuracy.

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