Survey Templates Surveys The impact of performance pay strategy in HSBC HK

The impact of performance pay strategy in HSBC HK

The impact of performance pay strategy in HSBC HK


You are invited to participate in the following survey on the performance related pay scheme in HSBC HK and its direct influence over its IT department. The target survey group is the staff in HSBC IT department in HK. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be used only for academic research purpose. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential.

Questions 1-5 aim to collect the biographical info of the survey group. The remaining questions review the impact of performance related pay scheme in HSBC HK IT department.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Please select your gender

Please select your age group

Please select your education level

How many years of working experience you have?

How many employers you have been working with?

How long have you worked at HSBC IT Department?

Have you experience fixed salary pay with annual salary increment before?

Which of the following best describes the performance pay scheme in HSBC IT?

Human Resources retention at risk
Effective in rewarding talent staff. High performers get high pay.
Improve staff incentive / performance
Encourage short-term focus on money incentive
Undermine teamwork
Maintain close link with market pay rate
What do you think on the factor(s) that make performance pay successful?

HR guidelines
Senior management support in delivering the system
Line management consistency / fairness in staff rating
Monitoring / control mechanism
Staff perception on the system
In your opinion, what should be done to improve the performance pay system?

Increase transparency on market pay rate
Provide consultation service on pay calculation when employees have doubt
Publish pay increment trend on each career band/job position level
Obtain individual performance rate from 2 direct supervision line managers
Obtain individual performance rate from line manager and subordinate
Are you satisfied with the performance pay system?

How the performance pay system affect your work?

What do you think on the TPM appraisal system?

The company clearly communicates its goals and strategies on performance pay to you?

Which pay system do you prefer?

Following the above question, what is the reason of choosing ${piping_text}?

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