
Heriot Watt University

Project Description

Work/Life balance and job satisfaction in the IT sector - a comparative study between Agile and non-Agile teams.

Project Abstract

-a review of the work/life balance and job satisfaction related literature will be made
-the paper will contain a review of the Agile methodology principles and values
-based on surveyed individuals, the paper will attempt to confirm/deny that the Agile methodology improves the stakeholders� work/life balance and job satisfaction in the IT industry
-a more traditional methodology (e.g. Waterfall) will be used as benchmark reference
-1:1 interviews will be conducted within the Ciao GmbH company (Munich) in order to get a deeper perspective of Agile�s impact on job satisfaction and work life balance

Surveys released for this project:
QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [fcwfasqkl 20
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This Project Sponsored by: QuestionPro - Web Survey Software
See Research Sponsorship for more information.