
The University of Denver

Project Description

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle? An Examination of Factors Influencing Environmental Behavior in Denver, Colorado.

Project Abstract

This study will attempt to discern motivations for, deterrents from, and correlates of, recycling and composting behavior in Denver, Colorado. The purpose of the study is to determine the most effective policy measures (information campaigns, etc.) to increase recycling and composting rates in Denver. In addition, Denver�s Recycling Program Manager has requested some specific data, including how often residents put the recycling bin out for collection, who usually takes out the recycling, and what language is spoken at home most often. Finally, the study will determine if there is interest in a city-wide composting program, if residents are willing to pay for this service, and if the policies recently enacted by the City are effective at increasing recycling rates and why.
The data utilized will be gathered entirely from surveys filled out by randomly selected residents of Denver. The goal of the study is to garner responses from a socio-demographically representative sample of residents; hence no specific group is targeted. The only criterion for selection is being a resident of the city.
The dependent variable in the study is self-reported recycling and composting behavior. The independent variables are socio-demographics, normative influences, environmental values, actual and perceived convenience, attitude, self-efficacy, response-efficacy, habit strength, and environmental knowledge. A stepwise regression analysis will be performed to determine which of the independent variables have a significant correlation to, or effect on, recycling and composting behavior. Determining correlates of recycling and composting will both contribute to the overall body of research of environmental behaviors, and potentially improve Denver�s waste management program.

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