
Schreiner University

Project Description

What the City of Kerrville lacks in entertainment and dining venues

Project Abstract

The research question is �What preferences does the Schreiner University Community have towards entertainment and dining in the City of Kerrville.� The rationale behind the research is to find out what the Schreiner University Community would like to see in the City of Kerrville in terms of entertainment and dining. The research idea started with the knowledge of the Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital building located in the downtown area of Kerrville would soon be empty. This would be an idea place to located additional entertainment and dining venues. The hypothesis is that the Schreiner University Community will want new and different entertainment and dining choices in Kerrville. A questionnaire will be the method of gathering research, which will be distributed to every student, staff and faculty member on the Schreiner University campus. The questionnaire will be distributed using the Schreiner e-mail system, in addition to handing out the questionnaire in paper form.

Surveys released for this project:
QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [ahchioldr 14
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This Project Sponsored by: QuestionPro - Web Survey Software
See Research Sponsorship for more information.