
Queens College (CUNY)

Project Description

Librarians Who Blog: A Survey of Public Librarians and How They Share Information and Build Communities Using Weblogs

Project Abstract

Creating public libraries whose services extend beyond the basic circulation and reference services has coincided with the emergence Web 2.0. Beyond operations within the walls of the public library itself, librarian bloggers are conducting and offering library services digitally via the internet. This has made for what may be considered 24/7 service, as it can be posted or commented on/replied to at any time of the day or night. Patrons are now encouraged to be apart of the functions of the library. Patrons� opinions and ideas are sought after, for there is a need for public libraries to grow technologically and be a legitimate resource in the future. Patron participation is requested to guarantee that the library is growing to suit the demands of the population it serves and to guarantee that the library does not become obsolete, even if just perceptually.

Internal public library staff members as well are learning that the value of increasing technology is far outweighing the learning curve some need in order to use the current software and be up-to-date on the trends in technology. Technology works both ways and patrons will be more likely to respect the opinion of a librarian who can understand, explain, and distribute information about said technology, rather than wait for the librarian to 1) send the patron elsewhere for information, or, 2) take time to study the technology in order to give a reasonable response.

In an attempt to measure the effectiveness and the potential reach of internal and external blogging, a survey will be distributed to public librarian bloggers within the United States. The results of the survey and the feedback received will possibly demonstrate that blogging and the addition of digital library services are important and valuable, resulting in enhancement of communication.

Surveys released for this project:
GSLIS 709 Blogging Librarians Survey 20
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This Project Sponsored by: QuestionPro - Web Survey Software
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