
Carnegie Mellon University

Project Description

Carnegie Mellon students� attitude towards PAT bus service

Project Abstract

The survey would examine which bus lines students ride most often as well as popular departure locations and destinations. We are also interested in studying the quality of bus services. For instance, average waiting times can be compared with the official schedule of bus to show any discrepancies between scheduled bus service and actual bus service. The time of day (as well as days of the week) when students most often ride the bus may influence the overall attitude toward the bus system because weekend service differs from weekday and rush hour service. The survey would also look at the extent to which students depend on bus service. The reliability of bus service may influence students� decisions regarding where to live, work, and travel to (especially if they have no alternate mode of transportation). It would be interesting to see whether students use public transportation in their hometown, if not, is it because they have a car? If they have a car, what is the reason for them not bringing it to school (cost, parents did not allow them to�)? Students may also be asked their opinions of the bus drivers, bus safety, cleanliness of the bus, etc.

Surveys released for this project:
Carnegie Mellon students? attitude towards PAT bus 57
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