
Бесплатные опросы на социальные темы: вопросы и шаблоны

Список шаблонов опросов на социальные темы

Опросы на социальные темы

Бесплатные опросы на социальные темы ― источник максимально подробной аналитической информации для социальных исследований. Эти шаблоны состоят из экспертных вопросов, которые обеспечат вас наиболее полезными данными и ответами респондентов. Анкеты охватывают опросы на тему общественной деятельности, опросы о пунктах приема и оформления на военную службу (MEPS), опросы на тему членства в ассоциациях, опросы на тему проката и др. Используйте эти шаблоны как примеры и образцы или просто возьмите подходящий шаблон и отправляйте готовый опрос своей аудитории уже через несколько минут! Приступайте.

Опросы на социальные темы

Шаблон опроса о прокате фильмов

28 вопросов

Шаблон опроса QuestionPro на тему проката фильмов поможет понять отношение респондентов к прокату фильмов и корректуре неоднозначного содержимого фильмов. Этот шаблон образца опроса состоит из примеров и вопросов, позволяющих получить максимально подробную информацию о прокате фильмов, а также о наиболее распространенных схемах покупки и скачивания фильмов. В шаблон включены вопросы на тему редактирования неприемлемого содержимого фильмов и опросы об ограничениях, которые зритель может применять в отношении такого содержимого.

Опросы на социальные темы

Шаблон опроса членов ассоциации

18 вопросов

Шаблон опроса членов ассоциации может использоваться президентами ассоциаций с целью получения от участников ассоциаций обратной связи, позволяющей узнать их уровень удовлетворенности и рассмотреть их предложения в отношении деятельность ассоциации. Этот шаблон образца анкеты состоит из более чем 10 вопросов, позволяющих собрать подробную информацию от членов ассоциации.

Опросы на социальные темы

Шаблон опроса о пунктах приема и оформления на военную службу (MEPS)

13 вопросов

Шаблон опроса QuestionPro о пунктах приема и оформления на военную службу (MEPS) представляет собой шаблон оценочного опроса, позволяющего узнать уровень удовлетворенности участников работой пунктов приема и оформления на военную службу. Он состоит из примеров и вопросов обо всей инфраструктуре и объектах, которые были предоставлены в связи с набором на службу и предлагались в связи со спецификой службы, на которую нанимался респондент. Анкета поможет собрать отзывы о предлагаемой инфраструктуре, например, о чистоте помещений, в которых находились участники, или о предоставленном транспорте.

Опросы на социальные темы

Шаблон опроса для волонтеров организаций, занимающихся общественной деятельностью

2 вопросов

Шаблон опроса QuestionPro для волонтеров организаций, занимающихся общественной деятельностью, позволит узнать мнение работников-волонтеров об организации и их вкладе в нее. Анкета состоит из примеров и вопросов, благодаря которым вы узнаете источник информации о вакансии и любые предложения/отзывы, направленные на улучшение работы организации. Этот шаблон образца опроса можно скорректировать в соответствии с потребностями исследования.

Опросы на социальные темы

Шаблон опроса для определения совместимости людей

18 вопросов

Шаблон опроса QuestionPro для определения совместимости людей состоит из примеров и опросов, которые помогут понять привычки и интересы людей и на основании полученных данных установить степень их совместимости для будущего свидания. Шаблон составлен из демографических вопросов и вопросов об интересах ― они позволяют понять, совместимы ли два человека настолько, чтобы предложить им встретиться друг с другом. В этот шаблон образца опроса также включены вопросы о чертах характера и других предпочтениях, касающихся выбора партнера.

Опросы на социальные темы

Volunteer Recruitment Survey Template

13 вопросов

This non-profit volunteer recruitment survey template provides the top 10 questions used while recruiting volunteers for a cause. You can customize this sample questionnaire to add or edit questions and answers. Use these volunteer recruitment questions to understand the skills, experience, and availability of the candidates for community service. This template will help you learn more about their preferences and help you arrange a meeting with them.

You can analyze responses to the volunteer recruitment survey and generate reports to recruit volunteers. It can also be customized to gain insights into their expectations and the factors that would affect the satisfaction level. The recruitment survey questionnaire usually includes questions such as volunteer inclinations, contribution potential work schedules, etc. to seek information about volunteer candidates.

**QuestionPro offers a waiver to Non-profit organizations thereby contributing in a way towards a social cause.

Опросы на социальные темы

Church Survey Template

33 вопросов

As membership in the church continues to decline, it gets imperative for the leadership to conduct a church survey.

This survey template consists of multiple survey questions that collect feedback about why parishioners attend church, whether they will continue to attend and if their spiritual needs are being met. Ask church member survey questions to know the satisfaction levels of congregants, whether they feel welcomed and how they feel about supporting the church financially. Know whether they agree or disagree with the preaching styles and teachings of priests.

Опросы на социальные темы

Happiness Survey Template

37 вопросов

This sample happiness survey template and questionnaire lets you measure your survey respondents' happiness. This questionnaire template collects demographic information and aspects of life that give them satisfaction and bring joy to their daily lives.

This sample online survey template has been designed in consultation with industry experts. It delves into areas and factors that affect the respondent's happiness quotient. Use this template to get a better understanding of your respondents' happiness for better market research. Get details on what makes your respondents happy or sad.

Опросы на социальные темы

Media Accountability Survey Questions

48 вопросов

Media accountability survey questions is a questionnaire to gather information what people think about the various media sources. This survey aims to identify perceptions of accountability as manifestations of claims to responsibility and factors that affect the accountability. Media accountability is a term which is often used, however is not clearly defined. It means all mass media has to be accountable in the public's interest. Since the concept is not clearly defined, it will often result with media owners having commercial interests. Due to such reasons, often media sources have to work around to create a positive accountability for their channels. Such a survey template can be used by various media channels to make wise decisions to improve their accountability. It can also be used to educate the general public with findings that showcase the factors that affect media accountability.

In the current scenario, Media accountability has been in talk a lot during the recent political elections in the United States of America. During the elections, media was criticized a lot on the basis that they had been biased to certain parties and politicians. In such a case, media accountability questionnaire can prove to be a boon for these media sources to keep their reputation and accountability strong.

Following are the questions to gather information about public's perception about media accountability and the factors that affect them.

Опросы на социальные темы

Gun Control Survey Questions

42 вопросов

Gun control survey questions are a questionnaire to gather information on what people think about gun violence, gun control, factors, and effects of possession of firearms. This survey aims to identify public opinion to understand if possession of guns/firearms is needed for self-defense, or is it the reason for increasing the crime rate. The push to possess firearms for self-defense and preventing injury is a false notion. For most people around the world, it is simple. More guns mean more crime and more death. Since policies and laws often influence the general population, such a survey will help gather opinions about gun control, gun violence, and research on gun study.

There are tens of thousands of deaths and injuries related to gun violence in the United States. As 2020 begins, on the new year's day, gun violence claims 177 lives. In 2013, there were around 73,505 nonfatal injuries and 33,636 deaths because of firearms. We keep hearing about people carrying weapons attacking the general public in the news. One of them talked about the incident was in 2012 in Connecticut. A 20-year-old man with loaded pistols and semi-automatic rifle killed around 26 people in a school in Newton. A 2017 study in the American Journal of public health stated there was a rise of 8.6% homicide rates due to firearms. The American population in 2014 was around 319 million people, and US civilians owned 371 million guns. According to the recent study, the US population was the one who holds all of these weapons.

The following are the questions to gather information about the public's perception of media accountability and the factors that affect them.

Опросы на социальные темы

Disaster Management Survey Questions

70 вопросов

Disaster management survey questions is a questionnaire to gather information about the impact of disasters on communities, and the measures they undertake to respond to disasters and how can the risk be reduced. This survey aims to identify public knowledge about disasters and what are the procedures they undertake to respond to disasters. A disaster is a sudden event which disrupts the functioning of a community and caused human, material, economic and environmental losses. Disaster are mostly caused due to nature but sometimes can have a human origin. Disaster management is organization and management of resources and responsibility. It refers to procedures a community can carry out to protect and preserve as much life and property as possible.There are various types of disasters that can occur namely, floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, earthquakes, Tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, epidemic, etc. Such a survey can be helpful to understand how many people are aware of disaster management and accordingly they can be trained for different types of disasters. This will also help understand how much awareness has to be generated to make most people ready and be prepared in case of disasters.

Disasters can be very tragic and can have a very large impact. They will leave a trail of injury, deaths, loss of livestock, loss of property, and economic losses. The event with the highest death toll since 1980 was the Boxing day tsunami in South East Asia which claimed the lives of 220,000 people. In 2017, 335 natural disasters affected 95.6 million people, 9697 deaths and costing a total of $335 billion. In Asia, most disasters are floods and storms, with 44% of all disaster events, 58% total deaths and 70% of total people affected. Despite all of this, America has reported the highest economic losses representing 88% of the total cost from 94 disasters.

Following are the questions to gather information about disaster management knowledge and preparedness for any disasters.

Опросы на социальные темы

Quality of Life Survey Template

47 вопросов

This quality of life survey template helps collect demographic and quality of life data from a wide range of respondents. These survey questions also collect data about an individual and society in general on various parameters like the overall quality of life, natural environment, health, housing, community, overall well-being, and community and social culture. The most effective use of this survey is for any council, government, consortium, school, or organization to collect data about the quality of life of those associated with them. According to the US News, in 2020, Canada ranks number one in quality of life.

Опросы на социальные темы

Social Networking Survey Questions

46 вопросов

Social networking survey questions is a questionnaire to understand which social media channel will be the most effective to reach your market segment. This survey aims to identify how the audience uses social media and to discover which is the best social media platform to target the required audience.

Social networking sites have become one of the most viewed sites in the world. The general population spends hours on these sites for various reasons like entertainment, to communicate with customers, or even to conduct market research. The number of social media users in the world is currently at 3.19 billion. From a recent survey, it was observed that around 68% of the American population uses Facebook and around 3/4th of that population accesses it daily. Other than Facebook, there are many more social media sites that are booming nowadays, namely Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter. Etc. These websites also have a niche of their own and can be used for different purpose. For example: most professional connections in these days are made on LinkedIn and many a times even sales leads are closed on LinkedIn. Understanding the importance of social networking, a social media survey would enable a company to find out the most effective channel to reach its market segment.

Following are the questions to gather information about social networking channels:

Опросы на социальные темы

Public Library Survey

27 вопросов

Public library survey questions template, is designed to collect feedback and opinion from anybody who is or wants to use public library. This survey template consists of questions that any researcher can ask to know about what services are important to the users and how would they like to rate these services based on their availability. This sample survey template consists of 20 + questions to collect first-hand feedback. This questionnaire can be customized to suit the need of a researcher.

Public libraries are accessible to the general public and is usually is funded from public sources, such as the taxes paid by the citizens. Using the public library requires an individual to create an ID for borrowing books, DVDs and other educational material. Public libraries are a good source of maps, town planners, notices etc. A public library is open to all categories of the community.

Below are the questions related to public library:

Опросы на социальные темы

Professional Networking Survey Questions

34 вопросов

The professional networking survey is a questionnaire that collects feedback from people about their professional networking preferences and interests. This sample survey template consists of questions that help understand a participant’s satisfaction levels and areas that need work. These survey questions can be tweaked to know if the respondent attends offline events or uses professional networking sites or both and how referenceable they are.

Опросы на социальные темы

Use Of Plastic Bags Survey Questions

18 вопросов

Use of plastic bags survey questions is a questionnaire to understand the perception of the public on abolishing the use of plastic bags. This survey aims to identify the factors that influence the use of plastic bags and what are the reasons behind not choosing to abolish them.

It has been proven through recent studies, that usage of plastic bags has increased tremendously. Plastic bags are made of non degradable material and are a problem to the environment. Plastic items are said to take around 1000 years to decompose and hence if the usage of plastic bags continues, it will be major concern for everyone. Thus, a lot of governments are taking up initiatives to curb the usage of plastic bags and plastic items by the citizens. However, there are some parameters which are still restricting the switch to degradable material. In order to understand the reason why, use of plastic bags survey will give an insight to the researcher with the factors that are influencing public's choice.

Following are the questions to gather public opinion about the usage of plastic bags and the factors that influence their choice.

Опросы на социальные темы

NBA Survey Template

11 вопросов

This NBA survey helps to know more about the choices of people who watch basketball and even attend games. These NBA survey questions collect data about favorite teams, players, and stadiums along with the perceived most important position on the field.

The survey template also helps understand people's perceptions about if the player's salaries are justified. You can use this NBA survey template to know how fans and spectators connect with a brand and how to fortify this relationship.

You can use this ready-made questionnaire as it is or customize it to as per your needs.