
Бесплатные опросы сотрудников и опросы, проводимые отделами управления персоналом: вопросы и шаблоны

Список шаблонов опросов сотрудников и опросов, проводимых отделами управления персоналом

Опросы сотрудников ― опросы, проводимые отделами по работе с персоналом

QuestionPro ― лидер в сфере предоставления обширных и подробных опросов сотрудников и опросов, проводимых отделами управления персоналом. Эти вопросы и анкеты чрезвычайно важны для составления опросов о вовлеченности сотрудников, удовлетворенности сотрудников и опросов для сбора эффективной обратной связи о рабочем стрессе, удовлетворенности должностью, оценке успешности обучения для сотрудников, для проведения собеседований при увольнении и ряда других целей. Наши шаблоны являются результатом коллективной работы нескольких экспертов из сферы управления персоналом и из полномочных органов. В их основу заложены успешные исследования на тему работы с персоналом. Эти шаблоны могут также использоваться в качестве эффективного образца или примера, если вы решите разрабатывать опрос с чистого листа. Просто возьмите шаблон опроса сотрудников и запускайте свой проект мгновенно!

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Manager Experience Survey

36 вопросов

The Manager Experience Survey Template is intended to help individual organizations understand the experience of their managers. The survey helps identify organizational strengths as well as growth areas that can be addressed to improve leader effectiveness and enjoyment inside the organization.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Short Employee Performance Review Survey and Sample Question

14 вопросов

The employee performance review is a crucial element of the HR process. This not only updates the Manager about an employee’s performance but also lets them rate it, and provide suggestions for performance improvement. This sample survey template will help you gather responses from your employees. Use this questionnaire to begin your employee evaluation process.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Work Culture Survey

21 вопросов

An organization’s beliefs, principles, behaviors, and attitudes define its culture. Work culture surveys are an excellent method to gauge an organization’s culture. This questionnaire template has been designed taking inputs from industry experts and will work for organizations of all sizes. Feel free to deploy this survey template in your organization, collect data and bring about positive changes wherever necessary.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Employee Performance Review Survey and Sample Questionnaire

25 вопросов

Use this Employee Performance Review Survey and Sample Questionnaire Template to gather responses from your employees. This questionnaire is deploy-ready and has an intensive set of questions to gather feedback for managers. Employee performance is something that needs to be closely monitored by Mangers. While end-of-the-year appraisals and reviews are common, it is advisable to do it frequently.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Sample Diversity and Inclusion Survey Template

22 вопросов

Organizations are diverse when it comes to the workforce. Your staff is made up of employees of different religions, gender, colors, races, ethnicity, etc. Organizations that are Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) perform better, have a healthy employee engagement rate, and better business numbers. Having diverse employees and inclusive practices has several advantages. Organizations have started realizing that and are introducing and revamping their D&I initiatives. You need to track and measure these initiatives to see if they are working or not. A Diversity and Inclusion Survey + Questionnaire + Poll is an ideal way to start that. Use this D&I survey template in your organization; it’s free to use and ready to deploy.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Self Improvement Survey

20 вопросов

What’s most important for companies to know when it comes to their employees self-improvement, and what is the best way they can help their employees to keep improving and growing? At QuestionPro, we’ve created a survey template to help you better target your learning and development programs to your employees’ needs. Intrigued? Like everything we do, it starts with a survey. Use this free template and get a free trial now.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Staff attitude survey template

18 вопросов

Staff attitude sample questionnaire and survey template are crucial to understanding staff attitude towards the organization, its values, policies, initiatives, and people processes. They give insights into aspects such as teamwork, communication, leadership, innovation, creativity, employees’ intent to stay, training and development needs, job satisfaction, employee morale, and performance. Use survey results from employee attitude surveys to identify gap areas, plug them, and make changes to motivate employees. Conducting this survey helps in: - facilitating developmental and organizational changes - focussing on employee needs and requirements - understanding which actions or initiatives may hamper staff performance, staff morale, and staff engagement - gathering staff feedback to gauge the organization's health - understanding what may motivate staff to excel in their jobs

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Staff satisfaction survey template

17 вопросов

Staff satisfaction sample questionnaire and survey template is used to understand how motivated your employees are and what their needs are. Satisfied employees are more productive and engaged. Engaged employees are crucial to organizations; they help keep staff attrition in check and contribute greatly to organizational success. Many organizations conduct a staff satisfaction survey once a year; however, we feel it should be conducted at least twice a year. These surveys, by design, should be anonymous in order to solicit genuine and honest feedback. Once you have their feedback, you can identify and understand the reasons behind employee dissatisfaction. You can then use that information to improve upon your existing processes and launch new ones to ensure your staff satisfaction is high. Employee satisfaction templates have survey questions that use the Likert scale to find out if your employees strongly agree or disagree with your policies. Using these surveys, you can gauge if they find their work meaningful, how employees feel about their team members, company culture, they are doing good work, and real-time engagement. Knowing these aspects, you can reduce turnover rates, boost employee happiness, improve employee retention, and make them want to stay long term with the organization. Conducting employee surveys such as employee engagement survey and staff attitude are also a good idea to check the pulse of your organization.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон обследования самооценки сотрудников

9 вопросов

Самостоятельная оценка сотрудниками своей производительности и качества труда

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса удовлетворенности сотрудников

27 вопросов

Вопросы для опроса об уровне удовлетворенности сотрудников позволяют определить уровень удовлетворенности сотрудников организации, чтобы затем положительно влиять на их настроение, моральное состояние и производительность труда. Благодаря этому бесплатному шаблону вы сможете усилить свои стратегии кадровой работы и управления персоналом, чтобы сформировать культуру труда, которая обеспечит процветание внутри вашей организации.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса сотрудников при увольнении

13 вопросов

Шаблон с вопросами для опроса при увольнении (расширенная версия) позволит получить максимально полную аналитическую информацию в виде отзывов, предоставляемых увольняющимися сотрудниками. Шаблон можно полностью адаптировать на свое усмотрение с помощью фирменного стиля своей компании. Нужна анкета покороче? Посмотрите шаблон вопросов для опроса сотрудников при увольнении (краткая версия)

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса для оценки работы отдела управления персоналом и руководителей

37 вопросов

Шаблон опроса об отделе управления персоналом предлагает вопросы, с помощью которых лица, ответственные за работу с персоналом, смогут узнать об уровне удовлетворенности своих сотрудников компанией. Эта анкета является ключевым источником отзывов сотрудников и специалистов по кадрам об отделе управления персоналом. На ее основании вы сможете улучшать такие процессы работы с персоналом, как подбор кадров, управление назначенными трудовыми ресурсами и сохранение текущих трудовых ресурсов. Образец опроса об отделе управления персоналом можно адаптировать по своему усмотрению, чтобы получать действенную информацию о взглядах сотрудников на преимущества своего рабочего места, руководство, социальный пакет, удобство расположения и т. д. Это поможет организациям получать в режиме реального времени аналитические данные об администрировании, трудовой культуре и процессе подбора персонала

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса сотрудников

48 вопросов

Комплексный опрос о пособиях и льготах сотрудников

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса управления знаниями

10 вопросов

Системы коммуникаций и управления знаниями в организации: наличие и оценка.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Оценка работы ИТ-специалиста и будущий кадровый опрос

52 вопросов

Оценка должности... ветвление на руководителей, которые должны принимать во внимание будущие потребности и проблемы.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса менеджеров

21 вопросов

Оценка коммуникативных навыков и навыков обратной связи у руководителя

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Удовлетворенность работой 2 Шаблон опроса

34 вопросов

Опрос сотрудников на тему удовлетворенности своей работой (очень длинный)

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса Клиента для оценки работы сотрудника

24 вопросов

Оценка сотрудниками атмосферы в трудовом коллективе и поддержки со стороны компании

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон оценки технической поддержки

8 вопросов

Оценка клиентами уровня знаний персонала технической поддержки и его умения решать проблемы

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса по оценке связи компании

27 вопросов

Шаблон опроса для оценки корпоративных коммуникаций содержит вопросы для понимания потенциала компании, связанных с клиентами ключевых проблем, знания организационной структуры и других аспектов, поскольку внутренняя коммуникация в компании важна для эффективного функционирования организации. Этот образец опроса можно адаптировать по собственному усмотрению в соответствии с тем, какую информацию вы хотели бы получить от сотрудников. Подобный пример анкеты поможет глубже понять, в каких направлениях вашей организации следует усовершенствовать внутренние коммуникации, чтобы улучшить показатели ее эффективности. Отлаженные внутренние коммуникации ― важнейший фактор успеха организации. По имеющимся сведениям, в Америке среднестатистическое совершеннолетнее лицо, работающее на полную ставку, проводит на своем рабочем месте 47 часов, то есть работает 6 дней в неделю. Коммуникации важны для каждого такого совершеннолетнего человека, который на протяжении 6 дней в неделю общается со своими коллегами и руководителями, участвуя при этом в достижении успеха всей организации. Такая коммуникация может осуществляться различными способами: личное общение, телефонный разговор, электронная почта, интернет-чат и т. д. С помощью этого примера опроса обычно проводится анализ взглядов сотрудников на то, коммуникации на какие тематики должны осуществляться на регулярной основе, какие темы должны охватывать информационные бюллетени и сообщения на доске обновлений, насколько эффективны коммуникации со стороны руководства организации и др. На основе анализа ответов на подобную анкету вы сможете определить оптимальную периодичность своих информационных бюллетеней, взять под контроль распространение слухов в организации за счет распределения различных обязанностей по установке обеденных перерывов и принципов этичности, вносить улучшения в коммуникации со стороны руководства и разрабатывать актуальные планы действий в этой связи.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон для обучения и развития карьеры

22 вопросов

Оценка руководителя с точки зрения обучения и профессионального развития сотрудников

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Связь внутри шаблона опроса компании

22 вопросов

7 вопросов: качество коммуникаций для сотрудников и с сотрудниками

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон исследования поддержки работы и расширения прав и возможностей

12 вопросов

9 вопросов: поддержка в работе, предоставление полномочий, демонстрация ценности сотрудника и признание

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса для оценки непосредственного начальника

14 вопросов

Шаблон опроса для оценки непосредственного начальника разработан командой экспертов и проверен на практике. Эта анкета проходит тщательную проверку, и к ней добавляются вопросы, позволяющие получить от сотрудников действенную обратную связь об их непосредственных начальниках. Шаблон можно скорректировать в соответствии с нуждами своей организации и дополнить его рядом вопросов, которые обеспечат вас подробными отзывами работников. В настоящее время этот образец опроса включает в себя более 10 вопросов. Благодаря оценке непосредственных руководителей организация отчетливо увидит лидерские качества начальников и сможет проанализировать модели их поведения.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон предварительного анализа оценки управления

8 вопросов

7 вопросов: оценка образа высшего руководства и уровня удовлетворенности сотрудников высшим руководством

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса клиентов

4 вопросов

4 вопроса: оценка качества клиентской поддержки

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Возможности для продвижения и обучения

10 вопросов

8 вопросов: обучение, возможности карьерного роста, развитие навыков.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса рабочего персонала

16 вопросов

Оценка потенциального ухода сотрудников из организации

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон исследования работы стресса

26 вопросов

Стресс ведет к неудовлетворенности и уходу из компании.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса самого себя

7 вопросов

7 вопросов о рабочей атмосфере: ожидания, направление развития, информация, эффективность затрат, цели, идеи и удовлетворенность.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса непосредственно о работе

40 вопросов

Оценка компании: удовлетворенность должностью, обучением и перспективами карьерного роста

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон для опроса сотрудников

25 вопросов

Вопросы для опроса о вовлеченности сотрудников помогут проверить и измерить уровень мотивации и участия в жизни организации. Используйте этот шаблон, чтобы точно понять, способна ли ваша текущая политика сформировать выигрышную культуру труда.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса сотрудников

23 вопросов

Шаблон опроса сотрудников проверяет настраиваемые вопросы, которые можно редактировать в зависимости от типа и размера вашей организации. В этой типовой вопроснике есть вопросы о роли, обязанностях, менеджерах и т. Д., Которые охватывают все факторы, способствующие удовлетворенности сотрудников.
Например, если в вашей организации в настоящее время более 500 сотрудников, можно установить, что многие прямые и косвенные менеджеры взаимодействуют с каждым из этих сотрудников. Это означает, что большинство работающих менеджеров могут влиять на производительность сотрудников, и этот фактор становится для вас важным для анализа. Собирая мнения, отправляя обзор обзора сотрудников, вы можете не только оценивать отзывы сотрудников, но и определять, как повысить уровень удовлетворенности сотрудников.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон опроса работников

20 вопросов

«Это процесс обнаружения погоды, или не сотрудники компании счастливы или нет с удобствами и окружающей средой компании».
Счастье сотрудника - это фактор, которым может управлять только работник. Это врожденная собственность, которая способствует высокой производительности труда среди сотрудников. Счастье - это аспект, который может решать только индивидуум, поскольку ничто не может быть сделано, чтобы сделать сотрудника счастливым изнутри. Сказав это, счастье работника играет жизненно важную роль в повышении производительности на рабочем месте.

Шаблон обследования счастья сотрудников предлагает настраиваемые вопросы, которые могут быть заданы сотрудникам организации для оценки их уровней счастья. Эта типовая анкета может помочь менеджерам по персоналу понять настроение и моральный дух их рабочей силы. Например, такой вопрос, как: «По шкале 0-10, насколько вы счастливы с вашей работой?», Может иметь решающее значение для понимания того, пользуются ли сотрудники своей работой или нет, и как это можно улучшить.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Шаблон шаблона для организационной культуры

18 вопросов

Шаблон организационной культуры разработан специалистами. В этой анкете есть ключевые вопросы, которые помогают организации или индивидууму определить организационную культуру. Этот образец шаблона опроса содержит 7 ключевых вопросов, которые могут быть использованы в опросе, который будет развернут для ваших сотрудников, или, как альтернатива, сотрудники могут попросить их руководство ответить на это опрос. Эта форма может быть настроена в соответствии с потребностями бизнеса для сбора значимых идей для принятия обоснованных решений.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

QuestionPro : Exit Interview Survey Template

42 вопросов

Exit Interview Template (Long) helps you receive maximum insights through feedback from exiting employees. This sample survey questionnaire is fully customizable with complete brand personalization.
Need a shorter questionnaire? Check out Exit Interview Questions (Short Template)

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Recruitment Satisfaction Survey

26 вопросов

Recruitment Satisfaction Survey Template consists of questions that are asked to an employee during the process of on-boarding to learn about how the process was carried out. This sample survey template consists of questions to analyze both internal recruitment process or a third party recruiter (external recruiter). This questionnaire will also help an organization to know which advertising medium works the best to post job-related ads. This questionnaire can be customized and used to suit the business needs.

Recruitment is the most important process in the employee life cycle. It is important to foster a recruitment process, that invites potential employees to be a part of the organization. This survey template covers a range of survey questions to ask the employees to collect first-hand information about the process and if any changes are required in the process or not.

In this sample questionnaire, an organization can know if the recruiter was professional, polite, knowledgeable etc. or not. Use the feedback received from this survey to inform your team so they can fix any gaps in the recruiting and hiring process.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Leadership Survey

18 вопросов

Leadership assessment survey template is created with the purpose of understanding business success to be a direct reflection of the leader who oversees it. This sample survey template consists of questions that helps an organization understand the potential of an employee to lead the side. This questionnaire is designed by a team of experts and can be customized by adding more questions that can help organization choose their leadership.

It is in the best interest of an organization, to choose the right person to represent them. Its is essential to recognize that the best resource for the job isn't always the one who has the longest resume but the one who has the necessary qualities and knowledge. A good leader works to understand the industry and contributes to its evolution. Any organization would want a leader who is sincerely interested in the progress of the organization and its workforce.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Compensation and Salary Survey Template

26 вопросов

Salary and Compensation survey template is created to collect feedback from employees to know if they are aware of the deductions and other compensation and benefits they avail as a part of their net salary. This sample survey template can be used by organization to get a feedback from employees, whether or not they are happy about their salary structure and the compensation offered to them. In this questionnaire is designed by a team of experts keeping in mind its purpose and can be customized to suit the business needs of an organization.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Psychological Safety Survey Template

15 вопросов

Psychological safety survey template is created to evaluate the overall level of mental safety in the workplace. This sample survey can be deployed to the staff and asked for their responses towards psychological safety at work. This questionnaire is developed by experts and can be customized to suit the needs of an organization.

Psychological safety represents the extent to which an employee feels safe in the organization’s social climate. The way people perceive him/her, level of interaction, communication, interpersonal skills, willingness to mingle etc. constitute of psychological safety at the workplace.

Team learning behavior, outcomes, team members etc. are a part of this process. In this survey, there is a balanced mix of questions related to teamwork, team member interaction, the plausible outcome of the discussions and more.

Оценочные опросы для сотрудников

Meeting Survey Template

14 вопросов

Employee meeting survey template is designed to collect feedback and opinion from the members. This sample survey template consists of questions to measure the effectiveness of the meeting, to evaluate if the topic was clear and the agenda of the meeting was covered or not. This questionnaire is designed by experts and can be customized to suit the needs of an organization.

The point of conducting a meeting survey is to get relevant information to make informed decisions regarding strategies and helps you manage the overall organization. Conducting a meeting survey is important for developing new ideas and reporting significant events.

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HR Effectiveness Survey

13 вопросов

The HR effectiveness survey template and sample questionnaire are designed by industry experts and lets you collect employee insights into evaluating your HR function's people initiatives. This sample online survey template will help you understand what aspects of your employee processes looking into and how they can be made better. Using this questionnaire, you can gauge your HR team's effectiveness in communicating with employees, resolving staff issues, managing employee activities, etc. You can easily customize this template to suit your organization's business needs and size.

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Employee Safety Survey

23 вопросов

Employee Safety Survey consists of questions that will help an organization collect feedback and necessary information from its employees regarding workplace safety. In this sample survey template organizations can ask questions that will help them understand how the employees in the organization purview their own safety. This questionnaire is designed by experts and can be customized to suit the business needs of an organization.

Employee safety has been on top of the agenda for most organizations. Infact organizations today are ready to go out of the way to support their employees and offer them a safe work culture and environment. It is important for employees to feel safe at the workplace. This fosters a culture of trust within the organization. It’s not only about physical safety of the employees, it’s also about providing them with health and safety training related to their professional requirements.

In this survey organizations can know, if their employees are at par with these trainings and if they have any further requirements of the safety drills etc. that will make them feel safe at work.

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Gender Discrimination

34 вопросов

Gender discrimination survey questions template is created to collect responses from employees at workplace to know if they have experienced gender discrimination. This survey template is carefully curated for organizations and has questions that are a balanced mix of demographic and gender discrimination related questions. This survey template can be customized and can be used to suit the business needs of the organization. Apart from the existing questions, more number of questions can be added to this questionnaire.

Gender discrimination is based on gender (or sex) is considered to be a common civil rights violation that takes many forms. Men and women cannot be discriminated at work because of their gender. Some employers have outdated ideas about what work is only appropriate for women and for men and how that work should be rewarded. Some employees ignore gender discrimination, by not standing against it, only putting this to their disadvantage.

Below are the questions to evaluate and understand your employees knowledge on gender discrimination:

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Employee Wellness Survey

21 вопросов

Employee wellness survey questions template is designed to understand the wellness preference of employees at work. This survey template is designed by experts and consists of questions that ask about personal fitness routine, preferred time for conducting wellness programs, whether employees are interested in these programs or not. This questionnaire consists of 20 questions that are a mix of demographic, fitness and wellness questions. This sample survey can be customized to suit the data that an organization wants to collect.

Employee well being is directly related to employee performance at the workplace. A recent study conducted says only 12% organizations across the globe consider employee well being a priority. You can deploy this survey template to gauge the importance of employee wellness among your workforce. The questionnaire can help you understand their overall attitude towards wellness programs and its availability. Consider this to be a test to measure interest for future programs.

Below are the questions you can use in your survey:

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Risk Culture Survey

16 вопросов

Risk Culture or risk assessment survey questions template is designed to collect responses from employees regarding their know how of the risk taking capacity of the organization. In this survey template questions are asked to evaluate if the employees fully understand what risks are taken by the organization. This sample survey template is designed by experts. This questionnaire can be customized and used to suit the business requirement of an organization.

Risk taking abilities is the basic component of any organization. It’s never a smooth road for anyone and in order to achieve something you need to take risks. But to what extent? This survey template will help organization analyze what is the view of their employees related to risk taking. So in many cases, in an organization you might find people who have taken risks as individuals but find risk taking abilities of the organization a little overwhelming.

Below are the questions that will help you assess risk:

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Employee Appreciation Survey

23 вопросов

The free employee appreciation survey template and sample questionnaire helps you understand employee appreciation processes in your organization. It will help you know if your employee appreciation initiatives meet the expectations of your staff. Use this questionnaire to invite suggestions from your employees about refining your workforce appreciation programs. These questions will let you know how often your employees are appreciated, in what way, and if they expect any other ways of staff appreciation.

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Performance Evaluation Survey

28 вопросов

Performance evaluation survey consists of questions that help an organization formally evaluate how productive an employee is and also measure an employee’s work and results based on their responsibilities at work. This sample survey template is designed to achieve that result by an organization. This questionnaire helps an organization understand the art of “winning from within” by focusing on inward development of its workforce. This survey template consists of 10 questions and can be customized to suit the business needs of an organization.

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Employee On-boarding Survey Template

29 вопросов

Employee onboarding survey example is a survey template created to collect feedback from new hires. Creating a good onboarding experience is no longer an alternative, it is a necessity. Part of making the onboarding process worthwhile is asking the right survey questions.

This sample survey template is designed by experts in Human Resources with more than 25 years of domain knowledge and expertise. This questionnaire can be customized to suit the business needs of an organization. There are 10+ questions in this survey template, that helps collect relevant feedback from newly hired employees.

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Onboarding Survey Questions for Managers

15 вопросов

Onboarding survey questions for managers is used to collect feedback related to the onboarding process. When new employees join an organization, the first few weeks are crucial to set the pace with the organization. It is the responsibility of an employer to provide a seamless onboarding process to its employees. At the same time be sure not to overwhelm the new hires with a lengthy questionnaire.

This sample survey template consists of the top 15 onboarding survey questions for managers. It is a well-functional onboarding survey template that helps organizations collect appropriate responses. The sophisticated analytics enables store responses and compare it on a year-on-year basis. This survey template provides a snapshot and should be conducted after four to six weeks of joining.

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360 Degree Performance Appraisal Questionnaire

20 вопросов

360-degree performance appraisal questionnaire if designed correctly offer each employee a well-rounded view of their performance at work. This questionnaire offers different sets of questions based on various attributes related to the employee. This survey template also offers a rich insight or feedback on the areas that may need improvement. This sample survey template can be customized based on the organizational need.

Because every company has a unique characteristic, culture and a wide variety of leadership requirements our team at QuestionPro Workforce, has crafted a robust survey that will help organizations collect a 360-degree performance appraisal feedback from its employees, to help start building a competency model just right for your organization.

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360 Degree Appraisal Questionnaire

30 вопросов

360-degree appraisal questionnaire is used to record appraisal feedback for employees. This survey template can be used by supervisors, managers, colleagues to provide feedback to an employee and the employee can also fill in this questionnaire. The responses can be compared to draw common consensus. This sample survey template can be customized according to the organizational needs.

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Employee training Survey Questionnaire

29 вопросов

In an organization at some point, employees will need the training to enhance their knowledge and skillset. Most employees want to learn skills that they can use effectively in the workplace. Training needs differ from one organization to the other, based on the industry type. The survey you deploy to collect feedback on training should be able to fulfill those needs.

A questionnaire is an indispensable tool to collect feedback, especially when you want to collect information on training . Gather feedback based on training needs, trainer, content evaluation and more! This survey template can be used for all the above evaluation. Collect insights to make informed decisions.

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Employee effectiveness questionnaire

22 вопросов

Employee effectiveness questionnaire is designed to collect feedback from managers or colleagues related to the performance effectiveness of employees. More and more organizations are recognizing the importance of an effective review system. But these reviews fall flat and often don’t solve the purpose.

QuestionPro Workforce offers you questionnaires for your organization’s need. This employee effectiveness questionnaire consists of just the right questions that help you collect feedback from managers, colleagues, peers, etc. This questionnaire will help employees see the depth of their development and value they provide to the organization.

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Employee commitment questionnaire

28 вопросов

Employee commitment questionnaire allows an organization to understand the level of commitment an employee has towards the organization, which in turn should help them grow and mature. It is a key factor in determining theirs and the organization’s performance. This questionnaire is an essential tool for any organization. This sample survey can be customized to suit the organizational need and has been created by experts.

Employee commitment is the bond employees experience with their organization. Employees who have a greater commitment towards their organization tend to outperform their colleagues or peers. They fit in well, they understand the organization’s goal and they add value to the organization. This questionnaire helps organizations identify such individuals.

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Employee Retention Questionnaire

24 вопросов

Employee retention questionnaire is used by organizations to understand the willingness of an employee to stay in the organization and also the things an organization must do to retain their top performers. This sample survey templates help organizations collect responses from the employees on the said topic. This survey template can be customized and changed to suit organizational needs.

Retention and churn are the two sides of the same coin, so if you can retain employees you will be able to address the issue of employee churn. Employee churn can prove quite a costly affair and it’s not just financially but it is extremely difficult to find talent that is not only technically sound but also has other skills to adjust, learn and excel immediately. Use this sample survey template to collect responses from your employees to make the right human resources decisions.

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New Hire Questionnaire

25 вопросов

New hire questionnaire is essential to create a good onboarding experience for your new employees. This sample survey template asks the right questions to collect the right responses. This survey is designed to improve employee feedback strategy that is essential for an organization. This questionnaire provides valuable information to the organization about what went well and what didn’t. This survey template can be customized to suit the organization’s need.

Finding and recruiting the right talent for an organization is a certain knack, and takes time and efforts. Systematic feedback from the employees helps an organization improve the process. Asking employees for their insight, especially in the early weeks of employment reinforces their faith in the employer. You don’t need to spend hours creating the right survey, we have got that done for you.

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Voice of Employee Survey Template

21 вопросов

Voice of employee survey template consists of questions to collect feedback from the employees. Voice of employee is defined as the opportunity for the employee to express their opinions, concerns and/or suggestions about policies at the workplace, offer ideas to make the workplace better and how to help the management in implementing these changes.

This sample survey template consists of 21 questions that help an organization collect meaningful insight. With the right data, it is easy to make informed decisions. This questionnaire is designed by experts and can be customized to suit an organization’s needs.

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Work environment survey template

16 вопросов

Work environment survey template is designed to collect feedback from employees regarding the working conditions in an organization. Attracting and retaining the right talent can be a challenge for some organizations. Attractive salaries and perks can fade away after a while. What stands out is the culture and work environment of an organization.

Organizations having an intent to hold on to the high performers, it is worth investing your time in knowing what your staff thinks about the work environment. Asking the right survey questions will help you collect accurate data that will, in turn, help you make informed decisions.

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Workplace diversity survey template

24 вопросов

Workplace diversity survey template is ideal for keeping your organization inclusive and up-to-date with the diversity guidelines. This survey will help measure diversity within the organization. This sample survey template gauges how diverse your organization is and if there are ways to make it more diverse. The questionnaire asks a variety of questions that are spread across collecting feedback on many factors of diversity. This survey can be customized to suit the organizational need to collect actionable insights.

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Workplace bullying survey template

28 вопросов

Workplace bullying survey template is designed to collect feedback from employees if they have been subjected to bullying or ever witnessed the act. This survey template consists of questions that help an organization understand the state of safety of their workforce. This sample survey consists of 20+ questions and can be customized to suit the organization’s need to obtain the right feedback.

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Organizational Change Survey Template

19 вопросов

Organizational change survey template covers a broad range of survey questions that collect feedback from employees/ collect opinions about how they feel about the changes implemented within the organization. This sample survey template addresses changes, change management, change initiatives in an organization. This questionnaire consists of 10 questions that can be used to collect employee opinion. This survey template can be customized to suit an organization’s need.

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Pre-Training Survey Template

21 вопросов

The pre-training survey template consists of questions that help an organization collect information from its employees about what their training requirements are. This sample survey template is designed with different sets of questions to gather complete information from the respondents. This questionnaire consists of 10 questions and can be customized to suit the business needs of an organization.

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Manager Effectiveness Survey Template

19 вопросов

The manager's effectiveness survey template consists of questions that collect insights about manager effectiveness at work. No one works more closely with employees than their manager and managers can influence employee engagement levels, productivity and job satisfaction. Yet most performance evaluation models are top-down. In this sample survey template, employees give feedback to managers. This questionnaire consists of 10 questions and can be customized to suit organizational needs.

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New Employee Ice-Breaker Survey Template

15 вопросов

New employee ice-breaker survey template is designed to collect information about your new employees, their likes, dislikes. This is a great way to break awkward silences. This sample survey template has a range of question that acts as an ice-breaker. This questionnaire is designed for simple team activities to help ease the new employees in your organization. There is a range of fun questions to defuse any anxiety. This survey template can be customized to suit the organization’s need.

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30 Days Employee Satisfaction Survey Template

21 вопросов

30 days employee satisfaction survey template is designed to collect feedback from your new employees. This survey template is deployed to the employees who have completed about a month at the workplace. This questionnaire helps organizations understand the levels of satisfaction of new employees. This sample survey template can be customized to suit the needs of an organization.

It is essential to collect feedback from your employees at various stages of their employment cycle. The first 30 days are crucial, they actually decide how long an employee is going to be associated with the organization. This survey template consists of questions that covers an employee’s on-boarding experience and their overall level of satisfaction.

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Colleague engagement survey template

22 вопросов

By conducting employee engagement surveys surveys, you get to know what your workforce feels about the organization and its people processes. Deploying these surveys helps you get direct responses from them which sheds light on the success of your employee initiatives. Colleague engagement surveys help organizations and HR managers - Track staff engagement - Track and analyze growth and organizational developments - Get data to make informed decisions - Listen to the workforce, understand their ideas, concerns, etc. Use this colleague engagement survey template and sample questionnaire to start tracking and measuring your organization’s employee engagement initiatives.

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Employee motivation survey template

19 вопросов

There are various ways to improve employee motivation, and conducting workforce motivation surveys is a great way to start. You can track and measure employee motivation through surveys and get information to improve it. The data is directly coming from the employees and is valuable to revamp your people processes. The questionnaire is divided into important sections that help identify and measure key motivation aspects. With this bifurcation, you can chart plans, see what works, and modify as and when necessary. Deploy this free-to-use employee motivation survey template and sample questionnaire in your organization to get employee insights.

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Employee induction survey template

17 вопросов

A recent survey revealed about 22% of staff attrition happens within the first 45-50 days of onboarding. While organizations put in efforts for onboarding and training candidates, they fail to track and measure their experience. Without induction surveys, it isn't very easy to measure the employee induction experience. With staff induction questionnaires, you can know if a candidate is a right fit, identify sources to acquire candidates, and how you can repair your onboarding and recruitment processes. Use this employee induction survey template and questionnaire designed by experts in your organization and start measuring your efforts.

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Employee motivation assessment survey template

15 вопросов

Employee motivation assessment survey questions and sample questionnaire template helps in understanding how motivated your workforce is. Employee motivation may not be visible or come out in team and one-on-one meetings. Conducting anonymous surveys helps in knowing their concerns and understand ways to improve staff motivation. The sample questionnaire will provide you with data and points that will help revamp your people processes. Staff motivation is crucial to employee engagement, which directly impacts employee job security, workforce productivity, morale, and satisfaction.

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Employee pulse survey template

8 вопросов

Employee pulse sample questionnaire and survey template is used to understand organizational health. The survey is called ‘pulse’ since it is conducted every few weeks and is quick, easy, and simple. This sample questionnaire will provide insights into elements such as employee communication, employee engagement, staff satisfaction, etc. Some of the key benefits of running and employee pulse survey are: Fast responses: Pulse surveys contain limited questions, and hence, ensure you get fast, accurate, and more responses. Track changes over a period: Employee pulse studies are crucial to learning how employee sentiments change over a period. They are short and hence quick and easy for frequent deployment. Agile: Unlike other traditional employee surveys, pulse surveys do not take place every year. This helps in identifying and addressing concerns as and when they arise, giving agility to your people operations. Improved employee engagement: Since you deploy and gather frequent employee feedback, you can act on that feedback and improve upon your processes. This helps in improving staff engagement, which is beneficial to better morale, satisfaction, staff productivity, and retention.

Employee Training Evaluation Surveys

Шаблон опроса об образовательных услугах для сотрудников

9 вопросов

Оценка услуг по обучению: качество обучения, учет потребностей и обратная связь.