Detractor Recovery

QuestionPro CX is an advanced customer experience platform that helps you be a hero to your customers by leveraging intelligence software across every customer interaction.
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We believe that customers are the lifeblood of a business. As such, the customer experience is critical. It shapes the opinions of not only the customer, but everyone with whom they share - both physically and virtually. These opinions dictate when, where, why, and how often customers spend money. Customer experience is the foundation of profitability and business health.

Customers deserve to be heard. Listening shows you care, which lays the groundwork for loyalty. We believe in transparency and honesty both within a business and through interactions with customers. We take pride in giving customers a voice with the businesses they support.

Detractor Recovery

Cases typically get created when there is a problem which needs to be followed up on. It is as simple as that. The definition of the problem is upto the managers who manage that business unit. In some companies they create cases for extremely “Happy Customers” so that they can re-enforce the happiness by calling them up and also finding out which process or employees were responsible for that.

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