Survey Templates Surveys Board Self-Evaluation Questionnaire

Board Self-Evaluation Questionnaire

Board Self-Evaluation Questionnaire


You are invited to participate in our Legal Aid of Napa Valley Board Self-Evaluation Questionnaire. Every board member will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about the performance of the Board. It will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Please submit your responses by Sunday, July 12, 2009.

The main objective of this project is to evaluate and improve governance practices within the Board of Legal Aid of Napa Valley. Questions should be answered by all board members. When completed individually the results of Sections A, B1-B6, C, D and E should be compiled, shared and discussed by the whole board to determine an average group answer to each question and an overall section rating. Sections A, B1-B6 and C should also be completed by the Executive Director.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact me by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

[email protected]
A. Please Rate the Following Aspects of the Board’s Ongoing Operations:
1. Degree of organization at board meetings
2. Level of participation by members
3. Clarity of board and LANV staff roles
4. Board member access to relevant information
5. LANV Staff support
B.1 How Well Has the Board Done Its Job? (General)

Click the response that best reflects your opinion. The rating scale for each statement is: Strongly Disagree (1); Disagree (2); Maybe or Not Sure (3); Agree (4); Strongly Agree (5).
1. Our organization has a three to five-year strategic plan or a set of clear long range goals and priorities.
2. The board’s meeting agenda clearly reflects our strategic plan or priorities.
3. The board has insured that the organization also has a one-year operational or business plan.
4. The board gives direction to staff on how to achieve the goals primarily by setting or referring to policies.
5. The board ensures that the organization’s accomplishments and challenges are communicated to members and stakeholders.
6. The board has ensured that members and stakeholders have received reports on how our organization has used its financial and human resources.
B.2 How Well Has the Board Done Its Job? (Specific -"We Should Do This")

For each item, the question asks you to agree or disagree with a statement about what the role of the board SHOULD be. The NEXT question (B.3) will ask you to indicate how the board ACTUALLY behaves.

Click the response that best reflects your opinion. The rating scale for each statement is: Strongly Disagree (1); Disagree (2); Maybe or Not Sure (3); Agree (4); Strongly Agree (5).
1. Keeping up with relevant trends, events and emerging issues
2. Establishing strategic directions for the organization
3. Ensuring the needs of our customers are addressed
4. Providing advice to management on service priorities
5. Providing advice to management on human resource issues
6. Influencing community social policy
7. Communicating with the public and specific stakeholder groups
8. Overseeing financial matters
9. Overseeing operational matters
10. Lobbying and working towards attaining more resources (Fundraisers, Grants, Donations, etc)
11. Establishing community linkages
12. Engaging with local bar and local law firms
B.3 How Well Has the Board Done Its Job? (Specific -"We Actually Do This")

For each item, the question now asks you to indicate how your board ACTUALLY behaves.

Click the response that best reflects your opinion. The rating scale for each statement is: Strongly Disagree (1); Disagree (2); Maybe or Not Sure (3); Agree (4); Strongly Agree (5).
1. Keeping up with relevant trends, events and emerging issues
2. Establishing strategic directions for the organization
3. Ensuring the needs of our customers are addressed
4. Providing advice to management on service priorities
5. Providing advice to management on human resource issues
6. Influencing community social policy
7. Communicating with the public and specific stakeholder groups
8. Overseeing financial matters
9. Overseeing operational matters
10. Lobbying and working towards attaining more resources (Fundraisers, Grants, Donations, etc)
11. Establishing community linkages
12. Engaging with local bar and local law firms
B.4 Are there any other important roles that should be carried out by the Board?
B.5 What do you feel is the single most important strength of this Board?
B.6 List below what you feel are the three main obstacles interfering with the board performance:
C. How Well Has the Board Conducted Itself?

Click the response that best reflects your opinion. The rating scale for each statement is: Strongly Disagree (1); Disagree (2); Maybe or Not Sure (3); Agree (4); Strongly Agree (5).
1. Board members are aware of what is expected of them.
2. Board members understand their role in advisory committees.
3. The agenda of board meetings is well planned so that we are able to get through all necessary board business.
4. It seems like most board members come to meetings prepared.
5. We receive written reports to the board in advance of our meetings.
6. All board members participate in important board discussions.
7. We do a good job encouraging and dealing with different points of view.
8. We all support the decisions we make.
9. The board has taken responsibility for recruiting new board members.
10. The board has planned and led the orientation process for new board members.
11. The board has a plan for director education and further board development.
12. Our board meetings are always interesting.
13. Our board meetings are frequently fun.
D. Board’s Relationship with Executive Director

Click the response that best reflects your opinion. The rating scale for each statement is: Strongly Disagree (1); Disagree (2); Maybe or Not Sure (3); Agree (4); Strongly Agree (5).
1. There is a clear understanding of where the board’s role ends and the Executive Director’s begins.
2. There is good two-way communication between the board and the Executive Director.
3. The board trusts the judgment of the Executive Director
4. The Board provides direction to the Executive Director by setting new policies or clarifying existing ones.
5. The board has discussed as communicated the kinds of information and level of detail it requires from the Executive Director on what is happening in the organization.
6. The board has developed formal criteria and a process for evaluating the Executive Director
7. The board, or a committee of the board, has formally evaluated the Executive Director within the past 12 months.
8. The board evaluates the Executive Director primarily on the accomplishment of the organization’s strategic goals and priorities and adherence to policy.
9. The board provides feedback and shows its appreciation to the Executive Director on a regular basis.
10. The board ensures that the Executive Director is able to take advantage of professional development opportunities.
E. Feedback to the Chair of the Board

Click the response that best reflects your opinion. The rating scale for each statement is: Strongly Disagree (1); Disagree (2); Maybe or Not Sure (3); Agree (4); Strongly Agree (5).
1. The board has discussed the role and responsibilities of the Chair.
2. The Chair is well prepared for board meetings.
3. The Chair helps the board to stick to the agenda.
4. The Chair ensures that every board member has an opportunity to be heard.
5. The Chair is skilled at managing different points of view.
6. The Chair can be tough on us as a group when we get out-of-line.
7. The Chair knows how to be direct with an individual board member when their behavior needs to change.
8. The Chair helps the board work well together.
9. The Chair demonstrates good listening skills.
10. The board supports the Chair.
11. The Chair is effective in delegating responsibility
amongst board members.

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