Plantillas de encuestas Encuestas para estudios sociales Preguntas de la encuesta de felicidad + Plantilla de cuestionario de muestra

Preguntas de la encuesta de felicidad + Plantilla de cuestionario de muestra

La encuesta de felicidad es una encuesta en profundidad que ayuda a medir la felicidad de un encuestado. Esta plantilla de encuesta recopila información demográfica de los encuestados y los perfila de acuerdo con varios parámetros de su vida para medir la felicidad de cada encuestado. Ha sido creado por expertos de la industria que utiliza varios tipos de preguntas para recopilar comentarios sobre diversos factores que afectan la felicidad y los aspectos de la vida de un encuestado en los que le gustaría aumentar la felicidad. También ayuda a recopilar datos sobre los parámetros o circunstancias en que un encuestado se siente infeliz.

Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Please state your agreement with the below statements:
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I am pleased with the way I am
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I am pleased with the way I approach life
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I am pleased with the way I approach problems
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I am rarely interested in other people
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I feel that life is rewarding
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I am committed and involved
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I always see the bad in people
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : My natural instinct is to think the worst
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I am satisfied with whatever I have
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I rarely trust people
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I rarely allow people to get close to me
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I find beauty in daily objects
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I like dark rooms
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I have a cheerful effect on people
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : People like to spend time with me
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I have a pet
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I always feel fatigued
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I am generally disinterested
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I have good memories of the past
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I enjoy going out
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I enjoy visiting family and friends
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I am fit
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I take impulsive decisions
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I rarely smile
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I feel able to take anything on
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I am comfortable with the way I look
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I am happy in the career that I am in
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I feel lost in a room full of people
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I can strike up conversations with strangers
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I am hesitant to help anyone
¿Qué tan feliz estás en este momento?
¿Cuáles son las cosas que te hacen feliz en tu vida en este momento?
¿En qué área de tu vida te gustaría aumentar tus sentimientos de felicidad? Seleccione todas las que correspondan.
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