Plantillas de encuestas School Surveys Preguntas de la encuesta escolar para padres + Plantilla de cuestionario de muestra

Preguntas de la encuesta escolar para padres + Plantilla de cuestionario de muestra

Las preguntas de la encuesta escolar para padres son una encuesta extensa que utilizan las escuelas para recopilar comentarios de los padres sobre su percepción acerca de la escuela. Puede ayudar a la administración de la escuela a calificar varios aspectos de la escuela, así como a la capacidad de referencia de la escuela. Estos datos pueden ayudar a la escuela a innovar, recopilar comentarios sobre diferentes actividades en una escuela y, en general, mantenerse por encima de la competencia año tras año. Esta encuesta se puede ajustar para recopilar datos sobre algunos o todos los aspectos de la escuela.

Teniendo en cuenta su experiencia completa con la escuela, ¿qué tan probable sería que nos recomendara a un amigo o colega? 0 Muy improbable to 10 Muy probable
Muy improbable
Muy probable
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : How would rate your satisfaction with the school on these parameters:
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very dissatisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Not satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of education
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of teaching
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Teaching methods
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Subjects available
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Teaching aids
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Extracurricular activities
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Infrastructure
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Transport facilities
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Geographical location
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Use of technology
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very dissatisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Not satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of cafeteria and dining area
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Field trips conducted
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Campus safety
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Please state your agreement with the below statements that best describe your experience with the school:
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child is learning what he/she needs to know
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child finds school work interesting
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child finds school work challenging
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child finds school work stimulating
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Students help each other
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Students respect each other
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Etiquettes are taught to your child
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : The school inculcates moral values
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child is taught to be mindful of society at large
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child is motivated by the teachers
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child is given feedback by the teachers
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child is treated fairly and with respect by elders at the school
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child can easily access programs and services at school to get help with school work
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child can get help at school with problems that are not related to school work
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child is safe in school
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child is safe to and on the way home from school
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : The ability to be involved in your child’s decisions at school
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Your child receives academic counselling
¿Qué métodos de enseñanza utilizados en la escuela encuentra más efectivos?
¿A qué vías de aprendizaje tiene acceso su hijo en la escuela?
Si tiene alguna inquietud en la escuela, ¿sabe con quién comunicarse?
¿Hay algún otro comentario que le gustaría proporcionar?