Plantillas de encuestas Encuestas Preguntas de la encuesta de experiencia de pregrado + plantilla de cuestionario de muestra

Preguntas de la encuesta de experiencia de pregrado + plantilla de cuestionario de muestra

El | Preguntas y cuestionarios | QuestionPro


Estás invitado a participar en nuestra Encuesta de Experiencia de Pregrado.
El propósito de este cuestionario es obtener sus comentarios sobre la experiencia general que tuvo durante nuestro programa académico de pregrado. La finalización tomará aproximadamente 15 minutos.

Por favor, tómese un tiempo para reflexionar sobre cada pregunta abordada y trate de ser lo más sincero posible. Sus respuestas serán confidenciales y solo se utilizarán para encontrar formas de mejorar la experiencia académica de nuestros estudiantes en el futuro.

Puede comenzar con la encuesta haciendo clic en el botón Continuar a continuación.

¡Gracias por su cooperación!
Nombre de la Universidad:
Su especialidad:
La duración de su programa de pregrado:
Tu genero es:
Su año de nacimiento es (por ejemplo, 1996):
¿Cómo evaluaría la calidad general de esta experiencia de pregrado?
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : How satisfied are you with the following aspects that the institution has provided:
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very Dissatisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Not Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : N/A
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of the teaching staff
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of curriculum
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of equipment and teaching materials
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of academic advising
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of career counseling and placement services
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of practice opportunities (e.g. facilitating access to internships)
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of students
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of campus social life
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Overall value of the education for the price
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Overall physical appearance of the university buildings
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very Dissatisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Not Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : N/A
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of classroom and lab facilities
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of library resources
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of technology resources
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Availability of student clubs
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of student government
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of dorms and on-campus housing
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of food services
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quality of financial aid services
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Availability of public transportation and parking
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Availability of leisure and recreation facilities inside the campus
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very Dissatisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Not Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : N/A
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Campus safety and security services
Comparta cualquier comentario sobre su nivel de satisfacción con los elementos anteriores. (Opcional)
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : How would you evaluate the following learning results gained at the end of this undergraduate experience:
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very Poor
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Poor
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Fair
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Good
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very Good
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : N/A
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Overall employability level
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : General preparation for life
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Competence in your major field of study
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Foundation for graduate studies
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Critical thinking skills
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Quantitative reasoning skills
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Written communication skills
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Oral communication skills
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Leadership skills
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Capacity to understand current world issues
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very Poor
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Poor
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Fair
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Good
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very Good
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : N/A
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Capacity to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Capacity to understand human diversity
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Capacity to access relevant and trustworthy information
¿Cuáles son sus próximos planes en materia de educación y carrera?
¿Qué tan probable le recomendarías lo siguiente a un amigo?
No es probable en absoluto
Muy probable
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
9 9
Esta universidad
Este programa de pregrado en esta institución

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